
Names for a baby girl?

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My aunt is having a baby girl in 2 months and she's asked me to think of some names. She doesn't have a clue what she is going to call her, so she needs help. She was first told she was having a boy, but then at a later scan they revealed it's in fact a girl. :) The last name is Dipple.

These are the names I like:

Alexa Shae

Eden Rosa

Lucy Marie

Leah Azure

Any suggestions? Which name is your favorite?




  1. I like Alexa Shae and Eden Rosa. I like the name Lucy, but it sounds alot like kiddish names like molly and sally. How about Lucia or Lucilla, and tell ur aunt to call her Lucy?

  2. I like Lucy Marie and Alexa Shae.These are some other names:

    Sarah Marie Dipple

    Apple Shae Dipple

    Alicia Lex Dipple

    Trina Lucy Dipple

    Trisha Shae Dipple

    Shermain Marie Dipple

    Trinnity Lita Dipple

    Felicia Jas Dipple(I Luv This MOST!!!!!!!!!!)

  3. I LOve Alexa  Shae & Lucy Marie.

    I love the name Leah but i donbt like the middile name that goes with it. Ill put some sugestions for a diffrent middle name. How about....

    Leah Ann Dipple

    Leah Marie Dipple

    Leah Samatha Dipple

    Leah Rose Dipple


    for Eden Rosa I dont really like the name Eden but Maybe you can swich the middle name to the first name like Rosa Eden. I think that sounds better.


  4. Elysia Shae Dipple

    Leila Maree Dipple

    Azurra/Azure Eden Dipple

    Elina Kate Dipple

    Alaska Zinia Dipple

    Asharna Dipple

    Channelle Rosa Dipple

    Bonnie Rochelle Dipple

    Iris Tahleah Dipple

    Ivy Jessica Dipple

    Katarina Moi Dipple

    Maddison Claire Dipple

    Natalie Emma Dipple

    Hannah Dipple

    Natahlia Shae Dipple

    Olivia Grace Dipple

    Peta Janae Dipple

    Renay Eva Dipple

    Rosanna Iris Dipple

    Miranda Kim Dipple

    Hope these are good. I feel all these match fairly well.

  5. hmm... i like Alexa Shae, but how do you pronounce leah azure? i dont really like that one because in school alot of times teachers have trouble pronouncing names and it annoys people... lol but ya alexa shae is cool

  6. My favorite is Leah Azure...

    Very pretty name.

    I like the other names you suggested but there is something about Leah Azure I really like.

  7. I love Eden Rosa and Lucy Azure.

  8. I like Alexa Shae, and I would like Eden Rose--Eden Rosa just doesn't flow right for me.  I also like:

    Chloe Grace Dipple

    Sophia Marie Dipple

    Hope i helped a little--

    Best Wishes to you and your aunt!

  9. You should switch it up, like Alexa Marie.

  10. -i dont like alexa shae-too many vowels

    -eden rosa- please, her kid is gonna want to murder her is she names her EDEN!!!

    -lucy marie is nice. thats my favorite. its a nice sensible, name that nobody will get mixed up. go with that

    -leah azure. um, i like the leah, but not with that middle name

    so i think lucy marie or leach marie are the best

  11. Rosebeverlyne, Maryadlyne,  

  12. here are my opinions on the names you like: alexa shae: my cousins name is Alexa i like it its pretty. and i like shae as well.  my cousins middle name is Jane

    Eden: i new a girl called eden. her middle name is savannah.

    Lucy: personally i think it is over used. i know a lot of lucys. but if you like it i would suggest you change the spellings like Luci or Lucie for instance.

    and Leah: its ok.

    my favourites are Matilda and Claudia and Tiffany.

    by the way my name isnt really Matilda its just the name i use on yahoo. xo

  13. I think Lily is a really pretty name

  14. out of those i like Leah Marie

    here are some others that i like















  15. I like the name Eden Marie, if I may mix them up a bit.

    My girls are Ruthie and Esther Beth which are of course, my favourites!

  16. I think Lucy Marie is a great name. I think Rose may also be a good middle name but I think Lucy Marie's a great name.

  17. Eden Marie and Lucille Rose..Lucy for short

  18. How about Alexa Shae!!

    Its a nice name

    Good Luck

    - ♥ Taylor ♥

  19. Alexa Shae- Shaelyn Alexis

    Eden Rosa- Ellie Rosalyn

    Lucy Marie- Maddie Lucille

    Leah Azure- Leah Adair

    My favorite names:

    Shailyn Grace

    Maddie Nicole

    Alexis Caroline

  20. Pick Leah!!

    or Ava  

  21. how about : Imogen pronounced (imojen) or Pagan. My favourite is Draíocht pronounced (dree-acht) it is irish and it meansmagic which would be appropritae considering they thought it was a boy and now its turning out to be a girl. hope these are of use. : )
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