
Names of these two movies?

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Movie 1 : It was about a woman in America who went to work in mines. The few female workers that worked there were all abused by the men. Also I think she was raped as a school girl?

Movie 2: I think it goes something along these lines: It was about a man, and I think he found out that his wife was cheating on him (or he was just simply mad) , and he boarded up the whole house when she and her lover were trapped under the floorboards.. Then he set fire on the house?? I think there was a sequal when he got out of prison, but I'm not sure..




  1. I have no idea but I think the two movies are:

    movie 1: North Country

    Movie 2: Buried Alive

    Check out the links below.

  2. movie 1: North Country

    movie 2: Buried Alive (I think this is it where the wife is having an affair with the doctor and they try to kill her husband but bury him alive and he comes back and kills them by boarding up the house and setting it on fire)

  3. First one might be North Country.

  4. The first one is for sure North Country with Charlize Theron... I recommend you watching it, very good movie!!

    The second I have no idea what it it but it sounds insane. If I think of the name I will come back!!

  5. 1. Charlize Theron starred in.... North Country

    2. ummm.... Extreme Jealousy ?

  6. The first movie was North Country starring Charlize Theron.  This was a great movie and Charlize did a excellent job portraying the main character. She went through a lot but what I remember the most was her love for child under the circumstances.

    I'm not sure about the 2nd movie.  I remember Parker Stevenson starring in a movie once where something like this happened but i can't remember the title.

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