
Naming a boy after his father?

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We might be having a boy. My husbands name is Thaddeus. middle name gene. Is it too old fashioned to have a Thaddeus Gene jr? He's already so excited about it possibly being a boy....He would love to have a junior. Thaddeus wears his name very proudly. Its almost trendy....if ya get me. His friends even made up little nick names for him like "T-diddy" lol!!! What do you think?




  1. My brother is a jr. I think it is cute. My brother had a son and he is a 3rd.

  2. Thaddeus Gene II

    With a name that good jr would just make it sound simple. lol.

    It's a great name, and it's always nice to name the son after his father. It will make him proud to carry with him such a meaningful name.

  3. Never. I always hated that.

  4. I think that it would NOT be too old fashioned to name your baby boy Thaddeus Gene Jr. It actually sounds very important, kinda high society kinda name.  I think its cool.  Good luck! And Congradulations!

  5. How about Thaddeus Gene Michael? That way he has dad's name, which is very honorable in my opinion (and loving of you too for doing it) and if he doesn't like it he can go by Michael or Mike. Of course some other name of your choice could be substituted for Michael. Well good luck =]

  6. I personally love the idea naming a son after his father, no matter what his name was.  I love names that have a lot of heritage and meaning behind them.

    He could go by Gene to avoid confusion with the dad.

  7. I think a child should have his own name, since he is an individual. How about giving him his own first name, and using Thaddeaus Gene, as two middles? That way your child has his own name, but is also carrying on his father's as well.

  8. Well personally i don't like that name but i'm sure it means a lot in his family so go ahead and name him that and call him T.J.

  9. i am named after my father, and i hate it. i never tell him though. whether your husband wants to or not, your son won't. think of something else.

  10. Lol, why not try something like:

    1.) Giving the boy two middle names:

    John Thaddeus Gene

    2.) Give the boy his father's first name as a middle name:

    John Thaddeus

    3.) Give your husband's middle name to the boy:

    John Gene

    4.) Make him Jr. but give him a second middle name:

    Thaddeus Gene John

    Thaddeus John Gene (either order)

    5.) Just give him the name Thaddeus Gene, and call him Junior :)

    Congrats! And I'm sure you two will come up with something. Did you have another child? How did you come up with his/her's name?

    NOTE: I used John just as an example, not suggesting it.


  11. um never name ur son after his father ALWAYS A BAD IDEA

  12. It seems okay. My husband wants to name a future son after him Brian Elmer Jr. But I'm not so keen on the whole Elmer stuff. But I think if it's something he wants and you are okay with, I see nothing wrong it.

  13. i personally never liked to do "jr" things because for me it kind of took the fun and individualness out of naming them..but i do not think it is all bad for an example my husband wants to name our son (if it is a boy i am pregnant with our second!) his middle name as our sons middle name..but i think if you like it and that is what you guys want go for it.all that matters is that you both like it..but my opinion it is a little older sounding but it is kind of nice at the same time..i picture a very polite smart writer type when i hear the name! good luck hope this helps

  14. Well it really depends on what you guys as a couple want....but my oppion is that is great to have pride in your name and to name your son after ur husband.........

  15. Hate it

  16. NO NO NO. I hate "jnr's", because it's not their name!

    I would do Thaddeus or Gene as a middle name so he is being named after his father, but still has his own name.

  17. Thaddeus Gene is a cool name. personally, i don't like juniors. i would use part of your husband's name for your child's middle name.

  18. i named my first son after his father--- i think it is really special to them- regardless of the name.  and t-diddy is I got a lot of c**p from my family at first but it is not about them. so go ahead and do it.

  19. I think it is great. It is wonderful that your husband wants his son named after him. You could call him T.J. or Jay for a nn. I am not crazy about Junior or T-diddy but you could think of a good nn and your son will be proud to have daddys name too.

  20. I think it's a cool name.

    I don't really understand the whole "Jr" thing though... My husband is a Jr, and he hates it because he feels like his parents just didn't take the time or care enough to give him his own name.

    Maybe change the middle name to something else to make it his own unique name?

  21. i love the name Thaddeus for a boy - go for it !

  22. Use Thaddeus Gene but make him a second instead of a junior, it fits the name better, plus then when he goes to have children he can name his son Thaddeus Gene III, if he's a junior you have robbed him of naming his son after himself.

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