
Naming my land!?

by  |  earlier

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i have recently purchased my own piece of Australia and i would like to give it a name!

But i cant think of any names! Please help

it is a swamp with gum trees, blackwood, ti trees and sedges!




  1. I think sedgewood sounds cool... sedgewood swamp (hmm)... sedgewood lake... Blackwood pond? Gumwood? Gum tree lake/pond?

    How bout something with your last name in it (hmm maybe maybe not) or An old old relatives name in it... like someone who isn't around anymore (kind of like to honor them) or who you never really knew but you've heard great stories aobut them... maybe use their name? This is kind of fun lol!

    Good luck... congrats on the property

  2. Craphole Outbackington, Craptaculor Bay, New c**p City, The Great Barrier Crapreef.

  3. Wooooo go australia!!!

    Aussie Aussie Aussie!

    Um where is this land exactly? Ha ha ha sounds like in the middle of the country in bloody darwin or somewhere horrible.

    Swamp - Bogs.... Call her 'Boglet'


    Or 'Marsha' for the marshes

    Dead Marshes, Wetwanga, Ha ha ha..

    That's all I got!

    oi oi oi !!!

  4. Defodil

  5. Call it Dorothy, after my Mum.


  6. Swampwood,marshmallowMarsh,TheSwamp,


    I'd have chosen one of these.

  7. Try and see if they will re-list the property to a sanctuary.  Try using,

    "My Wildlife Sanctuary"

    Like Eddie and Janes Wildlife Sanitary.

    I'm in the U.S.A. and we get taxed near to death but you may be able to get a tax exemption so it doesn't cost you taxes to own the land.

    But many times you can't build normal housing after you do this,Wildlife sanctuary.

    So check first and maybe if you build a small cottage or shack before the change of status of land you may be able to use it I don't know if they will allow you to bring in electric or drill a well as the next thing is a cesspool for the human waste.

    Good Luck.

  8. Gumpy
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