
Nanny job pay dilemma?

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I work as a nanny in North NJ, about three weeks ago I was offered and accepted a nanny position making $500 a month. They seem like a great family both working parents (lawyer and the other spouse also has a white collar job).

My previous nanny job I made $650 so you can see how much financial toll this new job will cause. At the time of accepting I had been unsuccessfully job hunting and I took it because I was desperate. I'm suppose to start working for them on the 2nd (beginning of school year) but now I feel I can do better but I feel bad telling them this since they have assumed they have someone for 3wks. Would it be wrong to ask them if they are willing to pay more? $50/100 more? or I should just tell them I can't come work because something else came up.

I'm a mother of a 9month old, with bills and a husband who is on disability due to an accident and life is tough right now. I just don't want to commit to this job only to leave then soon after I find a better one.




  1. You have no guarantee that something better will come along. You have already accepted this job so you have already committed to it.  Leaving the job in a few weeks is much better than not showing up at all, especially with such short notice.

  2. As a mother who needs to provide for her family, you need to put your finical needs ahead of your commitments.

    It may sound akward or skewed but you can't NOT take a better offer.

  3. don't risk it    

  4. wow. I 've been a nanny in Australia and i earn $500 in the hand per week. I can't believe that they pay so little in america. I feel for you.

  5. I have been a nanny on and off for many years, and I highly recommend being honest. They are counting on you and their children are counting on you, that being said, it is your life and your decision. I would explain the money situation, if they are unable to meet what you are asking for, I would be honest and tell them that while you need a job with more money, you are willing to stay until they find someone  or until you find something else. (min. of 2 weeks is the norm) It is better to be honest than take the job and just leave if you find something better!

    Hope this is helpful.

  6. I used to be a Nanny in N.J. Do you mean $500.00 a week or every other week? $500.00 a month is not much at all. Am I reading that right? I'm sorry, for asking, but about 10 years ago I was making more than that every other week.

    I'm assuming you didn't leave this first job to take the second. Your first job was already done?

    Its not going to reflect well on you, by accepting and then asking for more. The time to ask for more money was when you were interviewing with them. I'm sorry for your situation, but its going to put this family on the spot. I'll bet they will be angry and disappointed.

    I recommend that you tell them now! Also, offer to nanny for them until they find a new Nanny. They might just tell you to forget it. Then you will be out of a job, until a better one comes along.  
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