
Naruto Shippuuden Help

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Does asuma die in the manga or anime???

I'm confused. Ep. 70 ends where naruto is saving sora, and i keep seeing

"Asuma is dead" on various websites.




  1. yes unfortunatly Asuma does die, i cant exactly remember what ep but yes. Him and his team (shikamaru, ino and choji) and others go to capture an akatsuki member and kill his partner, they where going to capture one and interogate him. But it did not work. Hidan and Kakuzu where the two they met, they attempted to kill hidan but hidan is immortal, so when kakuzu came out from getting his bounty, he told them they tryed to kill the wrong dude. Hidan and asuma faught, and Hidan cut asuma with his 3 bladed scyth, and licked his blood off his scyth to take on a grim reaper like form, and made a symbol on the ground it was a circle with an upside down triangel in it, with his own blood and stepped in it and started stabbing himself, but whatever he did to himself it happened to asuma, so when hidan stabbed himself in the chest he dident die because hes imortal but asuma did. so pretty much, he was just stabbing asuma. shikamaru did try to help but couldent cause his shadow justsu could not hold hidan for long. so when asuma is dieing he tells shika, choji, and ino to be the best they can then smokes a cigerette and dies. Shika then starts smokeing cause he feels its as if asuma is still there.Later on he goes to hunt down hidan and kakuzu for revenge kakashi comes with them and naruto sakura sai follow later, he them "kills" hidan. while the others, naruto, kakashi, sakura, ect. fight kakuzu. and both kakuzu, and hidan end up dieing.

  2. Oh boy, I hate thinking about it. Unfortunately, he is indeed dead. :/  

  3. Asuma dies in the manga.  The anime is showing fillers to tell about Asuma's past.  The anime hasn't caught up to the point where Team Asuma's fighting the Akatsuki members yet.  They should be reverting to episodes based on the manga after the Sora arc, which is pretty soon.

  4. He's already dead in the manga, and this filler season in the anime seems to be so you can get to know him before he dies (which hasn't yet happened in the anime)

  5. Asuma has died in the manga.

    which has yet to be made to into anime.

    He was killed by Hidan ( Akatsuki)
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