
Nasty Mother Dreams! Please Help!!!!!?

by Guest65276  |  earlier

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I keep having dreams in which my mum is horrible to me. it is always in different situations but my mum always does the same thing where she is horrible and unsympathetic when something goes wrong or something bad happens to me!

In waking life we are close. i am pregnant at the moment and i do not want to go to sleep as these dreams are so real and they are really upsetting me!

Can anyone help me work out why i am having these dreams and what they mean?

I am desperate. It is affecting my relationship too because i am always upset and tired!




  1. Dreaming about your "mother" is representative of worry or emotional concern for your self or your relationship with others.  Perhaps you are feeling overly anxious about the relationship that you will have with your unborn child.....will it meet the expectations you have for yourself?  will the relationship be comparable to the relationship with your own mother?  will the baby cause distance between you and your mother?

    I think you should try to relax before and baby need sure to exclude activities such as TV, reading or any media influence prior to bedtime.  Good luck! You are gonna be a great have a wealth of information and help at your fingertips (your mum).

  2. Your dream is likely stress related and is hitting a vicious cycle of escalation.

    Pregnancy of course brings all kinds of dramatic changes in you - the chemical and physical make-up of your body, behavior changes for practical and unavoidable emotional reasons.  Hormones rage and change quickly.  Discomfort makes sleep fitful at times - fatigue comes easily and clings.

    All these things play into dreaming so that even the warmest of our affectionate attendees can become monstrous at times in them.  Some of that may stem from an anxiety of whether you'll continue to receive the support you've always enjoyed as you now assume primary responsibility for this babe to come.  The dream can then distort and exaggerate for the reasons above.

    Perhaps you can just sit and talk with your mum to help you assure yourself more firmly that she is there - as always.  Although the relationships do get altered in these situations, no doubt she's not about to 'give up' on you and become some sort of ogre.  In working to remain close - and you'll have that need more and more as deliver time approaches - you can reinforce the good that is there in your mind and perhaps help relieve yourself of such dreams.

    Also look at doing all you can to improve your rest cycle and sleeping comfort - ventalation, good eating habits, tidy sleeping area, etc.  Try to stick to a good schedule that allows ample rest - you need more than you would have before.  If bedding is not so comfortable perhaps an adjustment is in order - and perhaps mum can help with some of this, another reinforcement of her care to you.

    All the best to you for a happy, safe pregnancy and delivery - and the best of loving support from your mum and family.

  3. I think this is your subconcious mind untying the bond slightly so you can become a mother in your own right.  Its a natural progression, releasing and moving forward, best of luck x

  4. Poor you, I had nightmares while pregnant and am told this is very normal.

    I imagine mother dreams are your sub-concious concerns over parenting.

    Try keeping a journal and noting all your emotions and dreams, write your dreams down as soon as you wake up, the theory is that you have conciously addressed the issues so your dreams should leave them alone

    Good luck

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