
Nasty Restaurants?

by  |  earlier

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I went out to a restaurant and ordered a pancake for breakfast and when I got it, it looked like someone sat on it and it smelled funny. The waitress looked a little drunk and the owner was kind of nasty looking. The waitress's hair was matted and greasy and the other workers were nasty and disgusting. The cook was all greasy and nasty. He had dark matted greasy hair and his character wasn't very good. I was really sick after eating there. What should I have done to make eating there better?




  1. first of all you shouldn't of even ate he pancake or ate at the restaeraunt. you should report them to the health department. reading the question details made me wanna puke cause i just ate. nasty people should not be touching other peoples food yuck.

  2. Call the health department and report them!

  3. You ATE there?

  4. lol.  did you eat it anyway?   i went to a restaurant once like that.  i could see the cook, cookin my food with no gloves on, and he looked like he hadnt taken a shower in a week or two...  i refused to eat it, and wouldnt pay... i left.

    i'm also a huge germaphobe...

  5. don't go there the health department if it really was as bad as you say it was.

  6. You should probably never go there again or you should look up the history of that place and see how many good reports on it  there is.

  7. I would definately report that. That is how people get food poisoning and become very ill. After the health department make an unexpected visit they will no longer be a restaurant!! Hope this helps

  8. The thing you should have done when you went to the restaurant was to look around, observe the surroundings and walked out. You are in charge of this part of your health.

    When you are in doubt, tell the waitress that you think something is wrong. Don't eat anything that looks and smells strange.

    I hope you are better now, but it should be reported anyway to the Health Department.

  9. I think I know that place? Did they have dirty fingernails and yellow-green teeth? And was the dishwasher squeezing his pimples on peoples' salads?

  10. they need to be reported for being nasty.what resteraunt was it?

  11. Just eat it, and don't complain! I'm sure it was just fine, and good! What is wrong with you? When are you going to grow up? Most people would me happy to have just a little bit of food!


    Where have you been Girlfriend???? Miss ya!
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