
Native americans and europeans?

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describe the impact of europeans on native american cultures and the impact of native americans cultures on europeans.




  1. europeans-native americans-

    they brought over diseases from europe(such as smallpox) that the native americans had never seen, and they had inexperienced immune systems, because for so long they were the only ones coming in contact with each other, so the native american's immune systems couldn't fight off the diseases as good. also the native americans in other towns or in the same town hadn't seen the diseases before so they didn't know it would be bad,

    if that counts.

    and the swastika was originally a native american sign of peace

  2. You should check out a great book called 1491.  I just finished reading it, and it pretty much talks about what you're asking about, along with what those native cultures looked like.

    It's really a huge topic.  We're talking about millions of people in the Americas and millions of people in Europe.  The most obvious thing that Europeans brought, though, was disease.  Some epidemics, there was an over 90% fatality rate for Indians.  Europeans did also bring horses, which changed Plains cultures dramatically, as well.

    The natives basically kept Europeans alive, and taught them how to farm in the Americas.  There's also evidence that the Five Nations in the northeast of the US had profound impact on colonialists' views of equality.  The native societies were far more egalitarian and democratic than anything seen in Europe.  Our founding fathers were almost certainly influenced by that, to the point of using Native American imagery and referencing Native American culture in their writings.  The eagle clutching a bunch of arrows in its claw?  Totally a native image.  Even with the Enlightenment, it kinda looks like the US Constitution would have been a dramatically different document, one that doesn't have, at its base, the idea that everyone is equal.  That was a Native American ideal.

    There's certainly a lot more out there, but those are a few things.

  3. when the europeans came over to the americas they brought over diseases so most 90% ofindians died (mostly bacause of smallpox, and some other diseases). but the europeans also brought over weapons such as guns and swords the indians ae never seen. and the indians had fruits and gold and spices some europeans have never seen. so they wanted to trade (indians traded with their fruits, gold, fur, etc. and the europeans traded with their weapons) but then something happened. and there was a war (i think it was a war but it was soething bad) and blah blah blah....

  4. Europeans brought disease and forced their morals and religion on the indigenous people.  They burned the libraries and destroyed the temples to build their churches.  They sent gold, silver, precious gems to Europe.  They also sent cacao, coffee and tropical fruits to Europe.   They forced them to abandon their culture sometimes on pain of death.  They took the children and cut their hair and forced them to learn English, Spanish they were forbidden to speak their own language or practice their religion.  To me it was a one way street all take no give.

  5. heartbreak is in error on one point: the swastika comes from india, not the americas.

    the devastation produced by the europeans in the americas is almost unimaginable, esp. the huge loss of life due primarily to disease.  on the other hand, the surviving native americans did in the end gain access to european civilization, not all of which is bad.  this is not to justify what the europeans did, but the thing is that there are some positive results even so.

  6. I think the effects of some europeans on natives is well known (although some european nations were more likely to blend in vs conquer native populations).

    So let's look at the effect of Natives on US society.  Names of towns, streets, foods abound with echos of their society.  You can have soccotash in Topinabee during Indian Summer.

    The department of defense grew directly out of the BIA (see Fort Sill in OK)

    Many Americans claim native american ancestry (both myself and my husband) although we are considered 'caucasion'.

    Native American values are still alive and well in the country, although diluted in mainstream society.  Respect for nature, communial living, Great Spirit all are alive and kicking.

    And of course, we have have casinos.

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