
Natural disasters?

by Guest45164  |  earlier

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Some people say these storms hurricanes and tornadoes are getting worse because of global warming. Do you think the Earth will get hot enough that it'll create a monster hurricane that would cover the entire planet and bring a bunch or tornadoes with them? If this happens, when do you think it'll happen?




  1. That's very imaginative, and I've heard of such ideas before probably. On the contrary, a researcher published something on why hurricanes will decrease in frequency with global warming. Surely they will strengthen, but one thing doesn't change: hurricanes will weaken the moment they hit land. I find it highly unlikely that a monster hurricane will form and cover the entire planet. If, for some reason it does happen, it won't happen for a very long time.

  2. The possibilities of creation of such "a monster hurricane" are nill, But frequency of occurence and intensity of such disasters can increase. Global warming is not the only reason behind occurence of disasters. Chains of activities and malpractices like deforestation, soil erosion and even developmental project activities such as minning, construction of dams etc. are responsible in increasing the intensities of disasters.
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