
Nature question?

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most people take pride in the natural beauty of wildlife. can you think of 2 or more reasons why tourists, tourism, and technology can cause problem for nature-abundant areas such as the Grand Canyon, or wildlife preservation parks? should natural habitats like these be left alone and only accessible to native american tribes(whose home the land usually is) instead of becoming tourist attractions?

---i read this question in a nature book, and i was wondered how most people feel about this issue. i'd like to know your thoughts and comments on this topic. thanks!




  1. If your really are interested in this try reading some Edward Abbey.

    Desert Solitaire

    Down the River

    Monkey Wrench Gang

    He believes none of the National Parks should have been made, and they ruined the natural beauty of the west.

  2. If by technology you mean industry, then obviously you don't want that right to a wildlife refuge or the Grand Canyon. Humans are animals so if you propose keeping tourists away, why not prevent squirrels, deer, buffalo and other animals from going there as well? An extreme example but some of us think being the dominant lifeform on the planet should confer certain privileges as well as responsibilities. We work hard to keep tigers from becoming extinct and I'm sure they'd extend us the same courtesy if the roles were reversed.

    Why would anyone consider letting only native Americans onto these areas? The land hasn't been theirs for a very long time and as was stated, they took it from other tribes in the first place. You might as well wonder if the Romans should return to Greece and the Etruscans what they took from them over 2,000 years ago. If it's public land then the public has a right of access to that land, barring security issues like military bases.

    I don't think condors, eagles, deer, and other animals can appreciate the Grand Canyon the way we do, so why prevent people from appreciating it?

    As to slavery, that's a touchy and unrelated issue but it is a fact that it wasn't the whites that sold Africans into bondage. It was other African tribes. They had a short window to get there and back around the Cape of Good Hope before the weather made it impossible. This in no way justifies what happened but extex is right.

  3. Not sure why a lot of people think it is politically correct to give land back to the Indians...who only took it from other tribes when they defeated the weaker one. Are you going to ask those Indians to give that land back to the first tribe that settled the land. I think not.

    The same applies to special grants or money for the families of slaves from Africa. Where do you think the white man learned about getting these slaves??? Could have been during one of their trading sessions...when one tribe raided the other...they took members of that tribe to do their hard other words...slaves. The Africans started all this slave trading...even back in the days of Egypt...which is on North Africa. So let's stop all this crying on who should owe who for what happened long before you or your great grandfather was born.

    If the Indians want this land...let them buy it with all the money we are already paying them....because they don't pay taxes on any of it.

  4. look up an article a few years back about the slaughter of RED CARIBOU in NEWFOUNDLAND there are only apparently 70-100 of these animals left the local native band wanted to make a point and went out and killed almost half the herd and left the animals in the bush to rot just to make a point.The problem with making natural areas more accessible to tourist is all the CLOWNS out there with quads and 4X4 trucks come along and destroy the area cus there good ole boys toys  ever see a bush area after these clowns have gone through it for a few months not pretty, you thought clear cutting left a mess
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