
Navy boot camp hard for women??

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I am seriously considering joining the Navy... but I have talked myself out of it for years now because I've heard horror stories about boot camp. Is it really as bad as people make it out to be? Is boot camp co-ed? Any insight on Navy boot camp for a woman would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks.




  1. It's got to be easier than Marine boot camp training. My youngest son was in the Marines, my older son is in the Air Force. The training for the Air Force is much easier and shorter than the Marines.

  2. Navy boot camp? No it's not hard... as long as you go into it physically fit you'll be fine.

    It's what, 6 weeks? You can make it through 6 weeks.

  3. You will be grouped up upon your arrival.  Once enough females report to Great Lakes, then they will put you all into one division or company.  This company may be all females, or you may have what they call a brother company/division (the guys will call you their sister division/company).  The other half of your division/company will be males, but they will live in another barracks unit.  It is usually within the same building as your division/company.  The two halves of your division/company will march to training together, eat together, PT together, and graduate together.

    As far as being "bad", it depends.  The function of boot camp is to make you realize you are part of a team, not a bunch of individuals.  As such you will sometimes have to receive punishment (push-ups, surprise inspections, getting yelled at  etc..,) because someone in your division/company messed up.  I have seen 30 something year-old men with kids of their own just break down and cry within the first 24 hours.  I have also seen these men supported by their fellow recruits and helped through the entire boot camp; coming out better, stronger, and with a new outlook on life.  It is all about how you handle challanges and work with other people.  The vast majority of the people pass through their with no problems.

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