
Navy or Airforce where to go?

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I have two kids and a wife Im looking for the right thing to do. I like the navy but im not shore about being out at sea that long.




  1.   Go air force.I've got a grandson stationed at Travis in Calf. right now going to tec. school,and he loves it.He's home every night with his wife.Later on he will probably go on shift work,but that better then sea duty.while I'm typing this my grandson called and I read what I had typed. He said about the shift work,some of the young unmarried  guys prefer to work shift work and will trade out with you.

  2. AF.

  3. If you enlist in the Navy, you will spend time at sea no matter what rate you have.  That means you will have limited or no cell phone service, and will have a LOT of problems with Internet connections.  Navy deployments can be anywhere from 6 weeks to 7 months or longer.

    In the Air Force, you will be deployed for an average of 4 months every 15 months unless you are in the Security Forces, Combat Control, SERE, or Pararescue, in which case you will have longer and more frequent deployments.  Security Forces has it worst, with 6 months home and 6 months deployed.

    Keep in mind, however, that you should look into other things.  You'll want to look at what jobs you like and which branch offers those jobs; you'll also want to look at atmosphere, attitude, values, training, and how quickly enlisted personnel advance in rank (it's slow in the Air Force right now).

    Also remember that no matter what branch you join, you and your family will have to move approximately once every 3 years.

  4. I've faced that decission too, friend. Personally I've always dreamt of a life at sea and fighting in ship to ship combat, so I'd choose the US Navy


  5. It all depends on what you do in the Navy as to how much time you'll spend @ sea.  Being @ sea is not all that bad (it's harder for the family), but I'd pick a rate that has limited sea time.

  6. Neither one is real interested in taking in recruits with three dependents. You better start talking to recruiters, all branches, and see if anybody is going to take you.

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