
n**i eugenic experiments?

by  |  earlier

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Please help, I need to find out what CONCLUSIONS the scientists/doctors wanted to come to -

ie: why did they perform these experiments?




  1. Because they listened to Rush Limbaugh.

  2. Check out this link:


  3. These links will supply the information you are looking for. . .

    also try these links too. . . .

  4. The found out that they could freeze Walt Disney

  5. If they learned anything, we have to forget the information because of the methods used to obtain it.

  6. You have heard of a child playing well this was obscenely mad doctors playing god with humans they saw as sub human , the pain and fear a child must have suffered is almost unbelievable .And most were children  I will name only one instance as the others  are to horrible to imagine,  They  would cut an arm of one child and sew it on to  another child that  already had his amputated to see the results . That is only one mild instance . all the subjects died and there were many thousands . whatever there reasons if any good came out of it as some did.  it was in no way worth the terrible things that went on . And i hope they are still burning in h**l

  7. To eliminate those they saw as undesirable. Pretty simple concept.

  8. They wanted to come to the conclusion that the Nordic (Aryan) race was superior to all others.

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