
Neck Reining Tricks?

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So I'm training a horse to neck rein right now and using an old trick an old timer horse trainer taught me and am loving how well it works. It got me to thinking about other methods of teaching a horse to neck rein. The method i am using is where you take a ring and slip the reins through it behind the bit in fornt of the chest then put your reins (I use split for this) on either side of the horses neck so that when you are in the saddle and holding the reins the ring is sitting right in fornt of the chest. Works wonders on aiding to teach on to neck rein. anyone else got soem old timey tricks like that?




  1. I like to use horsehair reins when teaching neck reining.  It makes the horse more aware of the reins so he will respond to them better.  But those suckers hurt so wear gloves if you ever use them!

  2. i as i pull the one rein in the direction i want to go i pull the other one the same way but get it to lay across his neck that way he feels the rein on his neck and knows that that is the way i want him to works wonders with my 5 year old..he is a like an ol pro at it now

  3. I start mine out neck reining so they never learn to plow rein.  I follow another horse for a few laps in a small field.  Works fantastic.  My record is that one horse I trained was neck reining in 20 minutes after the first time I climbed on her back.  And pretty well too.  She would turn as sharp as you asked when you asked and all with one finger in the reins.  Usually it takes two or three half hour lessons.

  4. Use 1" wide thick leather reins...I've had mine for more years than I can remember...the horse feels them more readily and it takes no time at all to train them to neck rein.

  5. I teach my horses to neck rein by first teaching them to move off my leg. Once they understand this concept, using exaggerated movements with the reins pairs the leg and rein aids...(but the horse is mostly working off your leg). Literally takes about 15 min.

  6. When I start a young horse I always when asking for a turn will put my rein against their neck first then ask for the rest.  After awhile they learn that the rein touching their neck is the first que and then I do not need to even pull.  

    I have also heard of people crossing their reins.  Takeing the left rein in the right and and left in the right.  The cross is right in front of the neck. So when you pull the rein across the neck it is pulling on the opposite mouth.  I tried this years ago and I beleave it worked fine and the horse learned quickly.  However I like my other way where it just becomes natural.  I also practice in a snaffle 90% of the time.
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