
Need Advice!!?

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Im going to be traveling to the U.K. from the U.S. in early september and had a couple of questions, if you can answer them that would be great!

1) Im of latin decent. Is there racism in the U.K? (i.e. hate crimes)

2) Is it hard to find a job in the U.K. for warehouse/office work?

3) Would people act diffrently towards me because of my U.S. accent?

4) Would people look at me differently since my arms are covered in tattoos?

5) How long would you say it would be for someone to get accustomed to the U.K traditions? (since U.S. holidays would differ)

6) What is the drinking age in the U.K for pubs?

7) How much would it be for housing in london for 1 bedroom house/apartment?

8) If i were to move to the U.K. would i have to go through a immigration proccess?




  1. Hey... just get your butt over here, and you'll find out that we BRITS are the best, we'll look after you, and you'll have a great time, no worries !!!!

    Girls love Latin/Americans

    Jobs can be found if you're willing to work & are sociable

    We love accents, we're multi-cultural/racial after all

    Arms/legs who cares if they're all adds interest

    Traditions ? you'll love em ! we're soooo quirky

    Drinking age is 18 years

    Housing in London is very expensive, so a hostel search probably would be more advisable when you arrive.

    And YES immigration process is necessary and compulsary.

    Once you've got accustomed to us.. you'll not want to go home... nobody ever does !!

    WELCOME ...see you soon !!!!

    Caramac x

  2. Very few... there will be no hate if you dont go looking for it! London is very multicultural!!!!

    No you should find work easily if your attitude is right, you are capable enough, your english is good.

    Not really, the ladies might even like it!

    Some may feel intimidated but the same as they would feel in the US

    Very similar and a year would be fine

    18, but some ask for ID if your under 21

    depends exactly where in london. London can be very expensive in the nice inner areas but cr@ppy cheap areas can be horrible to live in. Living in a different city is often nicer as london can get very fast paced and hectic and expensive.

    Yes ofcourse, but if you have a lot to offer then you will be let in. There are many different ways to get through the proccess. make sure your intentions will look good and make sure you offer good qualities for the country.

  3. Regardless of you being of Latin descent, and regardless of what others have said, if you are an American citizen you cannot just up sticks and move to the UK and expect to be able to legally work here.  Citizens from the EU (EEA) and the Commonwealth take precedence over any jobs that are available, so unless you have tons of dosh to invest in this country, have a skill which is in high demand here, or are being transferred by an American company, you don't stand a cat in h***s chance of getting a job...sorry it's just the way it is nowadays, and we would have the same problems trying to get visas/jobs in the US.

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