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Create abstract class named Book. Include a String field for the book’s title and a double field for the book’s price. Within the class, include a constructor that requires the book title and add two get methods – one that returns the title and one that returns the price( ). Create two child classes of Book: Fiction and NonFiction Books. Each must include a setPrice( ) method that sets the price for all Fiction Books to $24.99 and for all NonFiction Books to $37.99. Write a constructor for each subclass, and include a call to setPrice( ) within each. Display the type, title, and price for the two classes of book you have coded.Write an application demonstrating that you can create both a Fiction and a NonFiction Book, and display their fields. Save the,, and files in particular folder.


Scarlet Letter, Mill on the Floss, The Road Not Taken, A Tale of Two Cities, War and Peace, A Simple Plan, Disclosure, Nancy Drew


Europe on $5 a Day, Introduction to Java




  1. public abstract class Book {

        private String title;

        double price;

        public Book(String title) {

            this.title = title;

            this.price = 0.0;


        public String getTitle() {

            return title;


        public double getPrice() {

            return price;


        public abstract void setPrice();



    public class Fiction extends Book {

        public Fiction(String title) {





        public void setPrice() {

             price = 24.99;


        void showInfo() {

            System.out.println("Fiction - Title: " + getTitle() + " $"+getPrice());




    public class NonFiction extends Book {

        public NonFiction(String title) {





        public void setPrice() {

             price = 37.99;


        void showInfo() {

            System.out.println("NonFiction - Title: " + getTitle() + " $"+getPrice());




    public class UseBook {

        public static void main(String[] args) {

            Fiction aSimplePlan = new Fiction("A Simple Plan");

            NonFiction javaIntro = new NonFiction("Introduction to Java");






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