
Need REAL answers about adoption?

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We are looking to adopt in IL and our Home Study is not done yet (maybe 1.5 months left). If a Birthmom finds us and we connect and her baby is due before my Home Study, would this be a possible situation for us??

I really do not want to hear all the negative stuff about adoption....I only need real answers that could help me along with this process.......tx




  1. I do not know about your state but here if a situation came up like that there is always a advanced study where they come out everyday to get you caught up, it cost a little more money. You might want to look into this situation just so you are prepared. Good Luck

  2. I am adopted and i am lovely lol. so i know what its like to be the person out of the problem. well i really didn't know this till i heard from siblings. it was adoption within family its worth it and you can be suer you are saving someone its great go for it.

  3. As the father to 4 adopted children, I must say how happy the late wife was and I still am. We adopted a boy born in Nov 1961, a girl born in June 1963, then another boy born in August  1965, we got a new car in 1967 ( we also have a son im law and a daughter in law born in 1967)and our last one a girl born in April , 1969. I am very proud of our kids and our in laws. We now have 8 grand children 4 boys and 4 girls. Our kids have good jobs and live in nice houses and have good jobs. The grand kids are from 22 years to 3 years old. We have never regretted our adoptions,. They all knew they were SELECTED and not expected, Their Aunts and uncles all love them just like we do. I congratulate you for considering adoption and will be proud if you do adopt. Our kids all say we were just born in the wrong tummy, but we found our way home.

  4. I live in IL. my children are adopted we had temporary custody of them before the home study was completed (they came when they got around to it) but it was a Private adoption I do believe the situation is different if your going through an adoption agency but I'm not sure you should speak with your lawyer on this matter they would know for sure. And pre congrats and good luck

  5. I am not sure if you would still be able to adopt or not. But I do have to say kudos to you and your husband!!!!!! I gave my child up for adoption 22 years ago and it was the bestt hing for him....They were able to give him everything I couldn't!

  6. I just wanted to take the time to say thank you for doing such a great thing. There are so many children out there that need a family. I am happy for the both of you. Take a look at this website that i am sure you will find soooo helpful.


  7. I don't know about that but I doubt it... I know my agency they say if you find a birth mom before your home study is done they try to hurry and get it done for us.. Maybe you could ask you agency if they can rush your home study along if that's an option or ask them what they do in a circumstance like that...

  8. My understanding is that you cannot adopt without a completed homestudy.  That said, I agree with what friend said above.  If this situation comes up, most agencies can speed up the homestudy.

    Good luck.  Feel free to e-mail me, I will help as much as I can.

  9. If you are doing a "private" adoption then yes you can. She can give you temporary custody pending the adoption.She can also give you the right to consent for medical treatment.  You'll still need to have a background check before the court will allow a temp. order.It only takes 15 min at your local police station.

  10. i was adopted and i love my family now its a great thing i would have had spent time in a group home or something ...what you're doing is a wonderful thing and when i grow up i intend to do the same thing, you're making this little baby's life that much more special.. i suggest telling him or her right away instead of keeping it a secret

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