
Need a Faster Internet?

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I live about 15 miles from the nears town of about 20,000 and about an Hour from the Nearest City of about 100,000. I currently have a Slow Dial-up service. NO ONE offers DSL, CABLE, ISDN service to my area and Satelite cost to much and aint conductive to Gaming. Any suggestion on how i can speed up my Internet speed for gaming. Should i get SAT or try something else first. I do not play games like WOW or Everquest but games such as COD, Battlefield, and others help woud be appreciated.




  1. Download NetLimiter 2 to limit the bandwidth used by stupid programs.

  2. well, you've pretty much answered your own question.  If NO ONE offers any type of high speed internet service, pretty much you're only choices are (a) stick with your dial-up (and forget gaming) or (b) go for satelite (or I can (c)...move).  I'm sure somone could run a T1 line to your house but that's very high $$ solution (and if you think sat. is expensive, then T1 is out of the question).

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