
Need a guru to decipher this ?

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Due to being at work at extremely early hours, the guy I have been dating usually sends me a couple texts to say hello and such to start off our day. Here is our conversation this morning………

GUY: You deserve the truth. I’m mortified to tell you because I don’t want to hurt you in any way. I’ve got to slow WAY down with us because I don’t want to hurt you. It’s killing me.

ME: Were we going at a fast rate? A little confused here.

GUY: Well no. It’s just that I like you immensely of course but I am dealing with some stuff and I just got to be very careful with you. I just don’t want to hurt you.

ME: Look I am here if you ever need to talk about the stuff you are going through. All I ask for is complete honesty, do not lead me on, and don’t make promises you cannot keep.

GUY: That’s the main thing. I don’t want to lead you on. Life happens so fast sometimes and my head is kinda spinning right now. You are a great great girl.

ME: Just say it if you want to end whatever we are together. For the record, I don’t want us to end. You are a great guy and I truly hope you realize that.

Since 9AM I have not heard a word back. To be truthful – I am scared. He really is a great guy and he has overcome so much. And there is something there between us – maybe something big. How do I handle this? I feel jolted. I feel like I should have him sit right in front of me and tell him he is worthy enough to be loved. Then there is the side of me thinking maybe he wants an out. Maybe he played me like a fiddle.




  1. Your right about this not being a "text" conversation..

    Not knowing the details but it sounds like he's been thru a lot but it also sounds like maybe there is someone else in the picture as well and either he is having a hard time breaking it off with her or she just showed back up in his life and now he's confused on what to do..

    Kinda sounds like a triangle.

    Get that guy right in front of you so you can have a face to face and talk to to him and see his eyes to find out whats going on !!

    Either way, you need to take care of you and no matter how  "great" he is it was really $hitty to TEXT that and then to top it off leave you hanging in the conversation like that.... So that wasn't very cool !

    face 2 face


  2. He's still interested, but I do think he is losing it.. He's trying to be nice about it.. If he wanted to break everything offf completley he would have.. And say "we can still be friends" slow down means he is losing interest but its still there.. Try to keep some distance away, dont be rude but dont go chasing after him.. If your shying away, he will wonder whats up and try to reattach things..

    When your in a couple you got to make things interesting in order to keep the lust alive.

  3. k...its seems hes been doin some thinkin abt this whole thing...i mean i find the words v carefully chosen...its like hes tryin to keep u in the gray region sorts...well he either might be scared that u got too close in too short a time (if thats the case) or perhaps the "u r a gr8 girl" prob means that he does want to end it...but if u do think the two of u do hav smthng, then dont give up...try to talk to him,or better yet,if theres a guy frnd of his u trust an know for a fact that he wont rat out on u,talk to him...see what the matter is...i know this isnt exactly a v honest way of workin thngs out but see if it works...altho i'd advice u to take this path after thinkin it thru a cpl of times coz ur guy might just end up gettin pissd u talkd to his frnd abt it..

  4. This is tough he could be trying to be overly cautious i mean he could have had rough relationships before you that make it hard to trust.

    I say you just try going his way with it for now and take it slow.

  5. you are not a bit wrong, in fact you are 100% true.

    he wants to be away from you.

    he wans a change.

    he don't want.

    he has already played much with your heart,

    if u give him chance he will play with your life also.


    my dear please stay away from him,

    he is not a kind of person who can keep the promices,

    and he is not worth full to have faith on him..

    please..... please my dear, stay away from him

    since.... life is not very short,

    as we can see it, it will seems to be short,


    it is as big as US,

    i.e, You, Me, And the whole people around us,

    a heartily request for you baby,

    please be happy and

    for being happy, stay away from him..................

  6. He's being EXTREMELY vague, which means that's he's obviously not telling you something.  Guessing, it's either another girl or he's just not interested in dating you, or dating in general.  Maybe he wants something non-committal?

    I'd tell him to drop a pair and tell him what really is up, but just be forewarned, you may not like what he says.

    He's basically giving you an "out".  It doesn't sound like he wants to be in a relationship right now whether with you or in general.

  7. This guy seems like he knows how to play with girls emotions to get them to like him. Most guys aren't so psycho like this and talk about stuff like that. It is pretty weird.  

  8. I think it was a polite way to say he doesn't want to be with you, sorry.

    When you say 'there is something between us' you mean you like him a lot right? He may like you and prob hasn't played you he probably just doesn't like you in a relationship way.  Just move on, nothing else to do now.  

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