
Need a party theme?

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0 LIKES UnLike my friends and I are having a party this weekend...A party party (alcohol) yes we are all of age, but we wanted to have a themed party. But we want it to be different from what everyone else does like lingerie parties and costume parties. Any good ideas?




  1. Have a luau! sounds like you have the perfect reason and they're lotsa fun.  Cheers!

  2. This depends on where your at. If you up in Santa Cruz, Ca than Ill share my thoughts. I wanna party too! jk

    You should maybe an 80s theme party but stick a little twist in it. Everybody has to wear make up. Meaning the guy too. I think that will be funny. Or do a bottomless party. That would be a lot of fun.

  3. A white party. Everything is white, white food, clear liquor, clear mixers- which could be tricky.

  4. How about a paradise know some palm tree designs.....tropical stuff.  Do you know any people who camp at campgrounds......they usually have those string of lights that can be hung from tree to tree......and you can make some good punch with fruit in it...coolers and ice....and bermuda hats/shorts.  Have it in your back yard so no one tears up inside of your house!   Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. How about a Kareoke duet party...everyone pairs up and does their number who evers the best duo wins a funny prize

    and the drinks should be large enough like margaritas that two people can drink from so each drink has two straws so the pairs drink together

  6. Have maybe a country,decade,colour or something else like sport!!!!

  7. Decade Party .... pick one:  50's, 60's, 70's, or 80's .... play the music from that decade and serve foods that were popular then

  8. How about a party based on food or drink?  Pick one thing - for example Martinis or margaritas - and everyone can bring something to make a particular kind of drink.  

    Bring strawberries and make a strawberry drink , someone else brings chocolate , etc.

    You can do the same with food - ice cream or pizza -everyone bring a topping.

    Or have everyone bring a dish from a certain country.

  9. Have a murder mystery party! These are fun, and I bet you and your friends would love it.

    Google "murder mystery party", and check out some of the websites that come up...there are TONS of these parties out there (you will need to find one that offers downloads, instead of mailed packages), all with different themes to choose from (some even have suggested menus).

    Then you have to send invitations to your friends, letting them know who their characters are (and how they should dress, etc.).

  10. Do a mardi gras theme!!!

    Something different!!!

  11. One of the best parties we ever had in college was "CEOs & Secretaries".   Might be a little sexist, but who cares?  It was fun because everyone got to wear "office" attire, pocket-protectors, librarian glasses, etc.  

    Jello parties are also a big hit.  Make lots of various flavors Jello shots.  If you have the time + money, a kiddie pool filled with Jello is fun to have wrestling matches.
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