
Need activites to do while babysitting?

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I am babysitting 2 kids at the ages of 2 and 7.They live basically in walking distance of nothing,and i am not to drive with them.There bored theres nothing to do and tv isnt something i want them to watch all day.

usally its fun but its just an off day. Its really hot and sunny out side so i dont want to be out there to much.

I need some fun activites for kids





  1. how about taking them outside to play in a sprinkler or slip-n-slide. You can get one at the dollar store! You could bake something with them(cake, cookies, etc.)to suprise mom with when she gets home. Just let them color, cut and glue pics out of magazines. Make a tent out of blankets. Make homemade palydough out of flour, salt, and water...tastes nasty but wont hurt the 2 year old if he eats it. Let them paint. Hope one of these ideas helps!

  2. Hide and seek- it will entertain the kids for hours

    or card games such as go fish, battle matching

    kids at that age or entertained by the littlest thing. Just look aroung the house and use your imagination you can think or something that will have them busy for hours

  3. try making your own playdough, or baking. kids love to cook. if they like coloring try playing i spy and have them draw out the pictures of what they see.. hope it helps, good luck

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