
Need advise to run faster?

by  |  earlier

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Yeah I need advise how to run faster like what workouts.




  1. Hello,

    There are 3 basic types of workouts that will make you faster:

    1.  Distance - add longer runs and volume gradually.

    2.  Intervals - Go to the track & mix in some tempo runs.

    3.  Hills - Find some good hills or use a treadmill.

    The workouts above will make you stronger and faster over time.  Be patient and don't try to do too much all at'll burn out or get injured.  Check out the link below for some additional guidance.  Good luck!

    - Mike

  2. when you run, run on your toes... this makes you run faster!

  3. Dear , if you are 100m runner, than you need every morning 30 mint. run on Road, and 45 mint in evening soft grass ground. just normal speed, no fast. and eat extra protien through vegtables and fruits. and pluses.

    see me at

  4. i know this dosent sound very convincing find a Big hill and run up and down it for 10 minutes run your fastest and hardest.This exersize works on your stamina and your explosion at the start of run

    Also find a gym do bycycles there at a hard lv for 10 minutes then go on the tred mill or just jog/sprint half a mile to 2 miles

    Remember to eat health and lots of protein to work on your leg muscles. Do sit ups and pushups they work on your core this will also help you run faster do all these work outs for 1-3 months and you will see big results

  5. Imagine there is a rabid dog behind you.

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