
Need help deleting reappearing trojan!?

by Guest31702  |  earlier

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I have Windows Vista Premium and got rid of most trojans on my pc except for one and keeps reappearing after I deleted manually and after Defender and Spyware Dr deleted. Happens when I restart pc. Please help me delete it for good! The trojan is below:






  1. Don't shoot the messenger, but it is a common thought throughout the nerd community that once you are stung, there is no real cure but to format the computer and reinstall.  It is also commonly thought that there is a ratio of found viruses to still invisible viruses, meaning you probably have more....  Sorry

  2. Don't listen to the guy above.  It's only common amongst the nubish geek community to assume that a system recovery will fix the problem.  I like to call that Geek Squad syndrome because that's all those morons know how to do.

    For a trojan like this you'll need to run more then a single program to completely clear it out but it is possible to get rid of it completely.  Then after that it's important to set up good protection for the future.  Just follow this guide:

  3. Clear and disable your system restore then try deleting it.

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