
Need help fast with evil sister!?

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I am going to repost this question for advice.


My sister is one of the worst people I know. She is 6 and I am 15. She is very spoiled, makes my life miserable, and is ungrateful.

She makes up lies, once she came into my room made a mess, and told my mom that I tried attacking her. So I got in trouble.

Every week, she usually gets something for lunch or dinner that she doesn’t like, so she throws a tantrum and my parents give in to her demands and buy or make her something better, which also means that she lives a very unhealthy lifestyle.

Also, whenever she is at the store and sees something she wants, then she will start screaming her lungs out to my parents, so she can get it, one time she got stuff well over a hundred dollars. She has lots of toys, but hasn’t even opened half of them, yet she wants more.

Whenever any guests or relatives come over, they usually buy something for her and not me, and when I complain, they say they will bring something next time.

I don’t ask for much usually, unless it will benefit me, like money for extra swimming lessons, but my parents told me that they will think about it.

When I tried telling my parents that they can’t always get her what she wants, they told me that is none of business and that I should do everything I can to make her happy.

One time she came to my high school, and started crying over something stupid, and it was embarrassing because everyone found out that she was my sister.

I really wish that she went to Africa and learned how tough life in the real world is. I was never spoiled, or had bad behavior when I was her age, I don’t understand how she ended up like this.

Sorry if this was really long, but what should i do with her?




  1. Just beat her up.

  2. You should videotape her once.... of her making a mess in your room, and then after she lies about it and gets you in trouble, then show it to your parents, and act upset that SHE messed it up, SHE lied, and YOU are the one in trouble... and point out to your parents that you really feel like they are playing favorites, by always giving her what she wants and making her happy and shoving you to the side. You're their child too.

  3. You have to remember that she is only 6 years old and she is going to do what she can get away with and it is up to the parents to nip it in the bud- they are not doing her any favors by letting her act this way- in fact it will get worse,  it sounds like she is doing this for the attention and it is working- just ignore her- if you walk away when she is acting like that- she may stop doing it, think about getting a lock on your door to keep her out - and maybe you should ask your parents why they are not raising her the same way they raised you?

  4. well if she is only 6 then this is pretty normal your best to teach her good behavior and she will soon start to learn. you cant tell your parents what to do with her but you can definately teach her a few things. like making a mess in your room..tell her firmly that is not acceptable and that she needs to keep your room clean or she cannot be in it..if she doesnt obey dont let her in your room..let her know there are consequences for her behavior.

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