
Need help going green?

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okay, I want to help the environment. I know using the special light bulbs is good for the environment, but I don't know too much more. Any suggestions on things I could do or use to save/help the environment?




  1. There are lots of things you can do. First go to <> They have lots of tips and facts, everything, if your looking to do lots of little things they will tell u how. If you want though, make a big commitment and buy solar panels or a hybrid car. Solar panels may cost a lot at first, but they end up saving you much more over time. Also, if you store the energy they make, you end up making more energy then you use so the electric company will have to send you a check for all you make. Also hybrid cars are very good for your wallet as well as Earth. While regular cars can get up to 20 or 30 miles to the gallon, hybrids get sixty, that's double. Make sure you get a Toyota. All the other brands are cheap knockoffs. Toyota came out with hybrids first and theirs still get the most mileage to the gallon. Good luck going green!

  2. You can start making your own water and cut out bottle and gas waste. Use an atmospheric water generator. They are awesome. visit

  3. You can do things like use cloth shopping bags instead of plastic.  Stop using plastic water bottles, they make alluminum ones with a water filter on them.  If you have kids use cloth diapers or biodegradable diapers.  You can order biodegradable garbage bags on the internet.  Keep your air conditioning off, or set it as high as you can handle it.  You can car pool or walk instead of driving.  Make sure to recycle.  The list goes on and on and on.  Also buying from your local farmers market and also buying meat from local farms is a great thing too.  Once you start the chain reaction begins and you start to get into good habits.  Oh there are a few websites where you can get instructions on how to make your own cleaning supplies instead of buying ones that are full of chemicals.  I hope this helped.  Have a good week!

  4. Recycle, get other people into recycling and don't use plastic water bottles. Take out all the plugs for electrical appliances after you've finished using them, even when they are not on. Don't leave the lights/TV on and walk into a different room. Don't use central air conditioning if your only going to stay in one room of the house. If you are going to the super market and you get the plastic bags, don't throw them out, keep them and use them as garbage bags for waste paper bins in your bathrooms etc.

    Get OTHER people into it too, thats the BEST thing you can do!  Your helping spread the word on living green. =]


    This is an article I wrote that gives you 5 easy steps to reduce your energy use at home. These steps are cheap and are eco-friendly!! Feel free to contact me for anymore info.

  6. You can do so many things.

    Most important Save water, Air pollution, plant more trees, change ur globes to enrgy saving globes, try recycle all stuff.

    Another important thing, You can encourage your friends to save environment. By this way other people will also save environment and we can help our planet.

    Watch some great videos for more knowledge...

  7. You can go to all of those go green websites and everything but really there are alot of things you can do that eventually become just part of your routine that are really easy. For example, I recycle all cans and bottles, glass or plastic. I just have a seperate trash can. It's really not that difficult to throw them in there instead of the normal trash. I don't have a bunch of lights on during the day, even if they are energy efficient. If it's light out side why waste the energy? When I go grocery shopping I always get paper bags. It's just smart. Buy more organic foods so that the food doesn't have to travel so far to get to you. Don't litter. Make it possible for future generations to see a polar bear. Ha. It's easy. It won't dramatically change your everyday life but it will help in the long run.

  8. If you have an electric hot water heater, turn it off at the breaker until you need it.

    Get a power strip and plug in you TV, DVD, VCR, satellite or cable box along with any other entertainment device. Turn off the power strip until you need it.

    Don't turn on the TV just because you're bored. Have a book at the ready for such an occasion. Reading is very green. Swap books and mags with friends, family and co-workers. The longer we can keep reading material out of the dump the better,
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