
Need help middle school trouble!!!

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well my best friend just told me my personality has changed alot and thats why i dont have many friends any more. and i dont know how to get my personality back so people wil start liking me again. I keep trying and i am making it worse. Middle school HAS DESTROYED ME!!!




  1. Most people do change in middle school so you are not alone.The question is not about how to change your personality back to where people will like you more,but do you like the person you have become? If you think the person you are now is better than who you used to be then you dont have much of a problem.If your best friend is saying this to you than maybe you havent changed for the who you are because the people that matter wont mind.good luck! and i hoped i have helped some=)

  2. all that you build up will all go away in highschool. you are going to have to start over in highschool. you will meet new friends. let me tell you going to a co-ed boarding school is a very very good idea. omg i love my boarding school. its different tha the friends in public school. because you live with them. so they are closer. trust me you are not destroyed.  

  3. well i know from personal experience how going to middle school can change you but i learned that if you are involved in various activities,teams, and sports is a great way to get noticed and make new friends if you join a club or a team that does things that you like you will surely meet good friends that like that same things as you.

  4. listen, people change, you have changed, you and your old frends have grown apart, don't try to change yourself, and drink lots of tea and eat lots of fish, they r proven to calm the mind, they also improve your memory.

  5. I went thought the same thing dont worry it might be everyone else that has changed not you

  6. stop trying. Dont worry about, if your friends dont like you for who you really are, they're not your friends. Everyone changes when they change schools, you're growing up, its natural.

  7. Act natural and relax. Stressing makes everything worse. Don't act cool or weird for attention and don't hangout with people that think you don't belong. Just focus and things will run smoothly. Making friends is tough but invite them over and ask to hangout with them. Have a sleepover or a party to keep things on track again like they use to be! Good luck!


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