
Need help now!!!! I'm desperate

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Okay, so here is a list of my problems. Please help I am driving myself insane, crazy, and mad!!

1.I just started my junior year and this is my first time taking AP classes. Right now I'm already stressed because it seems like very hard work and I'm clueless on what to do. Advice? Are AP classes really that hard as teachers make them seem?

2.I have an uncontrollable rabbit that NEVER shuts up. When I'm sleeping, she makes noise and keeps everyone up. When were awake she makes noise and drives everyone to a headache. She is non stop and NEVER sleeps. All she does is make noise and it is very irritating. And also she flings **** everywhere that were constantly picking up, it's disgusting.

3.And also lately, I've just been angrier then usual. I just awlays wanna scream but I never used to be like this. Advice? Tips? Help!!!




  1. Just calm down, AP classes aren't really that hard! Don't get rid of the rabbit, just get it spayed, and if that doesn't work, ask a vet. Ask a doctor about the third one.

  2. Hey! I am trying to answer questions about RODENTS so I can help you by letting you know that it matters if you put questions in the right category

  3. umm i just graduated from high school the ppl who took ap said it was easy and as for the rabbit get rid of it and as for wanting to scream iono do something that u enjoy i guess go on e a roller coaster  

  4. well your number 1 problem is that you need to just calm down. AP is not really as hard as they say it is. If you go to the class with the right mind set it will come out great! #2 Well then get rid of the rabbit (sorry if that was harsh) #3 Your only angry cuz you are under stress. Take a chill pill literally and just relax!


  6. 1 dont freak out nothing is as hard as it seems you need a positive attitude. and teachers are a******s sometimes, theyre trying to psyhe you out

    2 as for the rabbit consiter changening its diet or give her up to a good home (its probibly the best thing you could do)

    3 youre just overly stressed out you need to look at things differently rite now things probly seem horrible but you need to step back, take a deep breath, and take things in small chunks.

    hope this helps


  7. RABBIT problem is   easy she needs a spay to end her frustrations,the rest is only what you can do for yourself..............

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