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Growing crops in a green house, i need help answering them. Thank you.

Conditions need for plant to grow.

How greenhouse can be used to help control the plants environment?

What factors will affect the value of the crop?

Other measures the grower must

take to ensure a profit from the crop.

Thank you evry1. :-)




  1. Conditions need for plant to grow:

    LIGHT - 6 or more hours per day

    AIR - fresh and of good temperature

    WATER - plants cannot get all the way dry

    FOOD - fertilizer. sometimes different plants need different formulas.

    AND SOMETIMES SUBSTRATE - soil is a substrate. sometimes the substrate is "soil-less", like if it was lava rocks or steel wool. or sometimes no substrate is used and the roots dangle free.

    How greenhouse can be used to help control the plants environment?

    It can adjust the air temperature. if it is freezing outside, the greenhouse can give some protection. If it is freezing a LOT outside, then the greenhouse will need to be heated to keep the plants alive.

    greenhouse walls can also protect against bugs or storms that break plants/flowers.

    the greenhouse air needs to be kept fresh. Sometimes the windows are automatic and open if it gets too hot inside.

    What factors will affect the value of the crop?

    mainly demand. If there is a market for it, then it is valuable.

    to maintain demand, care must be taken to grow AND  harvest a quality product. also delivery on time.

    how to grow in a greenhouse:

    another how to grow in a greenhouse:

    how to grow COMMERCIALLY:

    you will have to start a business. Agricultural business' can have extra details to be considered. Contact your state's Department of Agriculture to find out what is needed to open business; start here maybe:

    after your business is open u have to keep all the paperwork in late payments to the IRS..all building permits secured for the greenhouse structure...etc.

    for further help u can try searching "how to start a business" and also include the name of your state.

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