
Need help with a destination decision?

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Hi everyone my my triplet cousins are celebrating there birthday in October this year. I have been invited to all three of there birthdays. The only problem is that they are in three different cities through out the world. All triplets are teaching english at these locations. Minniapolis U.S.A, Helsinki Finland and Cairo Egypt. I shall visit each city in turn on there birthday over the next three years. Which city should I visit this year.




  1. I would visit Cairo Egypt first. Its good value and politically quiet at the moment.

  2. I have always wanted to go to Egypt, so that would be my first pick.

    I would pick one of the 2 farthest distances to visit because your cousin may not be teaching there in another year or two - They may get better offers to teach somewhere else.

    I would pick Egypt this year, Finland next year and then Minneapolis the 3rd year.

    You are a very lucky person to be able to travel and visit family far and wide.  Good luck.

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