
Need help with buring dvd.?

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Okay, I have a handycam, that use DVD-R (1.4GB) for recording. Now I want to burn them on DVD using Fujufilm (4.7GB) with DVD Decrypter. I know how to burn one dvd @ a time, but since my fujifilm is 4.7 GB, I want to put in 4 disk sony Dvd-r (1.4 GB) in one fujifilm. If you can help me I will be soooo happy please. baby steps if you know how it works.




  1. If your handycam burn DVD Video discs (there are another High definiton standards called AVCHD based on DVD Disks) use these steps:

    1) Copy All 1,4 GB disks to hard drive

    2) Join all *.VOB files from VIDEO_TS folder using Join VOB Files Tool

    3) Resulting BIG VOB files need to be separated (demuxed) to audio and video streams. Use Batch DVD Streams Converter in Copy Mode for audio and video streams

    4) Use Muxman DVD Authoring Tool to make the final VIDEO_TS folder for the next DVD burning. Muxman is included to the Batch DVD Streams Converter Package - see Tools menu

    5) Burn your DVD using your favourite software

    Instead of 4) you can use other free tool - GUI for dvdauthor

    this tool supports menu creation, DVD burning

    That is all for ordinary DVD Video Camcorder

    If your HandyCam is high definition (AVCHD)

    1) Download Batch DVD Streams Converter

    2) Update all files in FFMPEG folder for Batch DVD Streams Converter Package

    (just replace with new one)

    3) Convert your video files - m2ts, evo, ... to m2v and ac3 streams

    4) Use Muxman or GUI for dvdauthor then (see above)

  2. burn them to the hard drive put them all in one file. then  put them on one dvd

  3. Save them to a file on your hard drived. Then when you have several, burn them to a DVD disk.

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