okay, about a month ago, my father bought me a paint horse [[a gelding]] i believe 4 or 5 years old from an auction along with a brown quarter horse [[also a gelding]] he is very attached to..big mistake, it was my first horse and i failed to follow my instincts of researching why buying a horse at an auction was a bad idea, well the day i got him i wanted to ride him and i rode him up a hill with some problems.. he would keep stopping like as if he hated walking or something, and when i tried to ride back to the corral, i wanted to get him to a trot, unfortunately, he started to gallop for a minute, and started to buck, im 14 with not enough experience, but i managed to jump off and, well, brake my wrist. now the horse doesn't even want to come near anyone! its annoying that my dad had to tire him out just to put his halter back on him. lastly he cant seem to go anywhere with out the quarter horse, or else he throws a horsie fit. please help me, i don't know what to do with this disobedient paint!