
Need help with paranormal plzzz!!!?

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ever since we have moved into my house weird things have happened but the past 2 nights have gotten me and my sister scared to try and sleep. my sister is 17 and last night she woke up because it felt like something was rubbing her head and then pulled her hair when she woke up there was a guy standing next to her bed with his face in hers and she was so scared she didnt waste a second in her room she ran out screamin. she said his intire face from which she saw was all red and it looked as if his eyes were bleeding. she also saw black spots which looked as if he had been caught on fire before. i experienced something of the sort the night before she saw this. we have always seen black shadows walking around as if they were going into certain room and sometimes doors open and then slam shut when no one else around. i get eary feelings when im in my basement like someone is behind me so i refuse to go down alone anymore. is there anything i can do to make this stuff go away?




  1. You need to cast this demon out in the name of Jesus.  It really is the job of the head of household.  You need to have a strong faith in the Lord.  Plead the blood of Jesus and pray for protection.  I am in agreement for your spiritual and physical safety.

  2. The next time you see this figure try not to get scared and run.  Tears with blood maybe means he's crying for help.  I know it's freakie but try to ask him/her if he needs help.  Maybe he'll go away.

  3. Tell them to p**s off. Failing that, try cash bribes.

  4. Your shadows may or may not be related.... they mey be layered. Someone is trying to tell you something. Research the history of your house. Talk to these beings as they have already made contact with you. You might tell them that they are scaring you and your family  and that they should go to the light. You should tell them that they are dead and reason with them. Explain that whatever they are hanging on for is long gone and that they will find much more satisfacation on the other side of the light.

    His eyes may have looked red as sometimes the light refracts strangely from the other dimension.  If he was rubbing your sisters head he probably doesn't mean harm You did not speak of anyone feeling threatened, just frightened, so these are some people that have just not moved on. Good Luck and keep us posted.

  5. Fact: Most ghost (and alien) sightings occur right before or right after someone goes to sleep.

    There are no such thing as haunted places, only haunted people.

  6. You need more help than what you are going to get here.  Basically I see two options for you.  The first is to bring in a local group of investigators.  They may be able to substantiate and document your experiences.  A good group may also be able to research and find a historical cause for your situation.  BEWARE of any group that claims to be able to "cleanse" your home.

    Your other option is to involve the clergy.  I don't know what religion you are but most will bless a house.  The Catholic Church is the only one that I know of that will go beyond that though.

    As KBT333 said, I am a paranormal investigator.  If you go to my web site you will easily find our Email address on the contact page.  Send me your city, state and some form of contact method and I will try to find a good group in your area.  One thing that I would not do at this point is ignore the activity.  If a spirit is going through that much trouble to be noticed, ignoring it can cause it to escalate.

    What you need to do: start a diary of events.  Write down :

    1)anything anyone experiences

    2)who saw or experienced it

    3)the time, date and location in the house

    4)what was going on at the time of the experience (ie watching tv)

    5)anything else you can think of.

    Give this to the investigators so they can plan their investigation.  Remember also that it may take more than one night for them to find anything, and no matter what, your feelings on this are real.  You never know.  They may come in and find really high EMF readings (caused by bad wireing) that will explain what you are experiencing.  That would be great because it is fixable.  Anyway, send me your contact info, location, and any more details of your experiences you can think of to add and GSI: will do our best to hook you up with someone.


  7. wow thats a scary situation best thing to do is move in my opinion but maybe a simple solution as hanging some crosses around but if youre not religious or anything then i suggest getting an expert like a paranormal scientist or a person you might know with a connection to the dead to tell you whats up

  8. ive been in homes like what you,ve described, and its quite eeerie..specially knowing and feeling someone watching you and following you, without seeing them, then always seeing what i call shadow people out of the corner of your eyes...ive learnt by having a nice peaceful home helps by filling your home up with good vibes, like filling your home up with fresh flowers, let plenty of light mum told me this her younger days she and her friend shared a place with someone who practiced black magic, and my mum became terrified to go home, as lights would blow out and all strange things happened...her friends mum was a white witch..(what she calls it )  and she was told to fill up the house with all good and beautiful things..apart from that id recommend you get hold of someone who studies paranormal..(investigator) be interested to see if anything comes up if you go around taking photos of the inside of your home...we have a regular paranormal investigator here by the name joe, ill post his site below if you want to contact someone about what is going on...if you are serious in what you are saying , then id say your home is definately occupied by spirits

  9. Did she say "paranormal pizza"?

    Now, I am hungry.

    Let's try a test... (hey, i believe in the scientific method).  Have your friends put headphones on you (Celine Dion, let's make it so you suffer a little), blindfold you... spin you around in front of your house and choose a RANDOM house on your block.  You tell them if you 'feel creepy'

    Bet you your troubles will be over as soon as you realize its all in your head.

    (or your whole block is haunted... <shrug>)

  10. ask your parents to consult a church priest and ask him to bless the house.. there are other help you can get ....ever watch "hauntings" ....look for the someone near your home.. keep a bible under your pillow when you sleep and wear the "cross"

  11. I take it that your teens and your the only ones experiencing this phenom? Or is everybody in the house experiencing the same stuff. (mom, dad) If they arent get them involved. You cant invite a team to investigate or even a religious person for blessings without your parents permission.

  12. Tell your parents! seek a counselor, move out, pray, play loud music, etc.

  13. These type of ghosts are evil and headed to h**l or something like it. They were evil in life.  They die and refuse to go on. So they hang out scaring people and tend to collect other weak spirits and drain their energy.  The other ghost you are seeing are basically like his slaves and he will not let them move on, most likely they were good people and he uses them.  He needs to go and let the other souls move on.  Don't p**s this guy off.  Get help from a priest or psychic that knows how to deal with evil.  He is feeding off of your fear so try not to give him what he wants.   Ask him to stop and go away.  If you keep freaking out he'll keep s***w around with you.

  14. The house may be haunted.  Inquire about the previous owners and ask if they had experienced any unusual activities there before without necessarily telling them about the recent experience you've had with your sister.  

    If their stories tally with yours, I think it's time to seek help from the authorities specializing in the paranormal.

    God Bess!

  15. If this is something you want to get rid of and are in the area contact The Georgia Ghost Society. If you need more information you can e-mail me any time.

  16. You should get a ghost hunter,or medium to help you.

  17. If you feel threatened I would recommend having a spiritual leader come into the house and cleanse it. If you are strong spiritually you can try to do it yourself. Anoint all the doors and windows with oil and pray for the protection of God and all his angels. Tell the spirits they are dead and tell them to go to the light. If you are more curious about what is going on try having a medium or psychic speak with the spirits. Good Luck!

  18. I 100% promise you that any nonphysical beings that may or may not be in your house are unable to physically harm you.  All you have to do is to close your eyes breath in deeply, breath all the way out and say calmly Go Away. Open your eyes and it will be gone.  Slamming doors and all of that, if you ignore it, then it will stop.  That is the way with these things.  But you can't be hurt.  You can be made to believe you are hurt, or you can hurt yourself, but you are quite safe.

  19. You should have the housed blessed by a Reverend or a Pastor. That is what i would do! God be with you!

  20. i have had an problem like that dont be scared they are just there because the have unfinished bussness like if they aare trying to find someone i know this sounds weird but try to help them

  21. i ll  try to  help you  as  best as  i know  for  starters i  just  opened  a  group  on yahoo  on the  paranormal  where  you  can share  what  your  going  through   with  others as well there  are  20  messages  or  articles  i posted  and  another   20  that ill post   in a  day  on the  subject   that  ive  been researching  for  25  years

    the  group is

    please join theres    plenty  of  literature  on the  subject   that  i  screened  out  cause  its  not  worth  the  effort  to  take  seriously  but  there  is plenty  that  is  essential

    contact  me  through the  group

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