
Need help with smokers face!?

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I am trying very hard to quit smoking. My skin in a grayish tint and I have dark circles under my eyes, I look tired all the time. While I am trying to quit, does anyone know what could help my skin and the circulation and collagen?????




  1. Drink lots of water, eat lots of fruit and vege.

    AND, to help you to stay away from smoking ever again, just think what it's doing to your body, it's a death wish and it's disgusting. Good luck!

  2. Good on you for trying your best to quit! But the real problem causing this is your smoking, so the only thing that will really do you a lot of good is to quit.

    Vitamin E is very good, so try to get a moisturizer with some in it.

    Putting honey on your face for about 30 minutes will be a natural moisturizer.

    Try drinking tons of water to flush the toxins from your skin.

    Eat tons of fruits and vegetables to help your skin, especially foods like tomatoes and avocados.

    A good foundation will do your skin a lot of good in the mean time, but when your at home, let your skin breathe.

    Good luck with quitting! :)

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