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I'm a 37 yr old female, with Cysts on my Pancreas and have had blotting and loss stools along with major pain in my side, could this be due to my cysts or could this be due to Celiac, which is in the family??




  1. A person who is having pancreatic cysts can get chronic diarrhea due  to several reasons

    1. The pancreatic enzymes help in the digestion of carbohydrates proteins and fats. When this process is affected due to decreased production of the enzymes  more undigested fats and carbohydrates pass into the stools causing loose motions

    2. There can be any other disease like coeliac disease causing the diarrhoea

    3. Very rarely cancerous changes occur in certain kinds of cysts.

    It is important that you doctor be informed about the diarrhoea.

    I am a medical doctor.

  2. It can be due to both. WHy are you not getting help from a dr? The pancreas is nothing to fool around with.

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