
Need office pranks??

by  |  earlier

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the two girls at my work ALWAYS pick on me and stuff (were all friends..but i'm just the ''baby'' of the office) i need ideas for good office pranks that i can do to them. nothin destructive or that takes a lot of time, but just something that will get em good.




  1. if they leave thier computer unlocked... send an email from thier account to the whole department saying that he / she ........................ (fill in  the blanks, something funny)

  2. I have always wanted to try the one from The Office, where Jim hides Dwight's stapler in a big bowl of Jello.  I think it was a stapler anyway... then he did it to Michael's best boss mug.  That is harmless and easy, and hilarious, especially if your friends are fans of that TV show.

  3. if they drink coffee and put powdered creamer in it you can replace the creamer with alkaseltzer tablets that have been crushed, it will fizz up... real funny.

    also the jello idea is hilarious.

  4. Well This work's great and it's pretty funny but it takes a bit of time we work in cubicles and i worked late one night for about an extra 30mins and I took tons of different color posits and stuck them all over everything in the cube till everything was covered the next day the boss came in and saw that and was speechless...

  5. You can switch their work for one that is full of errors.  If this is not practical then you could ask one of them out and be a no show.

  6. tell them about jesus. love pastor carney.
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