I am 16 years old and i am set to have lithotripsy for kidney stones early in september. I have had lithotripsy before and found it rather painful, i did not have an anesthetic and was not offered one. I was given a painkiller which didn't seem to have any affect, i would like to know about other peoples experiences and if you found it painful as well. i would also like to know if i could request to have something stronger for the pain, if so what do you think they will give me as an alternative?
My doctor has informed me that my stone is 1.5 cm and is high up in my kidney, for this reason he has ruled out PCNL as the stone is too near my spleen and would be a major operation instead of a minor if it was to be done.
He has told me that if lithotripsy does not work again this time i am going to get ureteroscopy, i would also like to hear peoples experiences with this as i only know basic details about the procedure. i am also wondering if the procedure can be done if i have an IUD (coil) in place or will it need to be removed before the procedure takes place?