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What solutions are there for Ammonia and other chemicals from fertilizer that flows into the Florida Keys, that disrupts the cycle?

How would it effect it and help it?




  1. Ammonia is a nitrogen compound from fertilizer that very easily runs off into surrounding waters.  When these enter marine systems it can cause massive algal blooms.  Some algal blooms can be toxic to humans and marine life.  Most algal blooms will disrupt the ecosystem by making the water cloudy (or less clear).  When the algae dies, this depletes the available oxygen and other marine animals are choked out.  So runoff from fertilizers can drastically alter the marine ecosystem.  

    Phosphorous is also a component of fertilizers that can contribute to algal blooms.

  2. The solution is to do away with the canals and restore sheetflow through the wetlands.  The plants in the glades will use up the nutrients before the water reaches Florida Bay.  Here's a website about what is currently being done to address the situation.
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