
Need to make friends... help!?

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OK i have a 4 year old girl.. I am always with her.. my life is a circle.. I work home and disneyland.. nothing changes.. i go out with my brothers every so offend. so sometimes I just want someone my age to talk to.. and understands that I have a kid and its hard for me to go out.. now my question over all is how would I be able to makes friends and maybe even date?




  1. Go to the site below where you can look for a single guy who enjoys going to Disneyland.  You might get lucky!

  2. if your daughter is in any activities such as dance or something you can bond with the other parents that come to the practices and have her have friends over more often then you can get to know the parents of the child that shes plays with

  3. go to her school and do the pto  parnet teacher oganiztion

  4. Well you just need to spend time with your girlfriends if you have any...take time out for you self and go out...if you meet someone who is interested to you then let them know from the door that you have a child

  5. Go a chat room...there's a lot of site for a chatroom or even online dating have to be careful. :)

  6. you have a little angel and you want some friends .... come on !!!

    no am just kiddin', first of all you gotta keep on mind that she is your priority, and no one can take her time from you. and once you have children you dont have to worry about goin out with someone your age old men/women are useful in give'n advices ... and this is what we need in our life to learn from others mistakes and not to do them .... am not say'n you should go out with old people but people with no kids are less responsibility and you dont wana spend ur time with them because that would effect in you .... all i know that you can make friends anywhere in the world anytime , but you should keep the good one.   may god help u and if you need anyone to talk to u can e-mail me lol no am just kiddin' or maybe you should whateva am just try'n to do brian griffin huh u knw family guy ryt ...  

  7. Welcome to the world of being a Mom.

    A circle.   I like how you put that.

    Diapers.   Food.   Baths.   Midnight waking.   Drool.    Screaming...

    shall I continue?

    My daughter will be 4 in April, and my Son will be 9 months in Sept.

    My best suggestion is to get out to a park or library and meet some Mom's.  Easy to say, I know.... and even harder to do.  I myself am

    stuck between being a cook, a maid, a nurse and a chauffeur.

    I am blessed that my Hubby helps as much as possible, but because of our limited income.... I'm stuck behind these four walls all day long.   Sometimes it's hard to learn to be YOU instead of Mom all the time.   I've felt best when I've remembered to take care of ME.... and do something I like.   (I call it sitting still!)    :-)

    Care to have a friend from Texas?

  8. Well I know people are goin to say Myspace, have u tried it? It might be helpful, also there's facebook.

    I use another website as well called

    U can go to the top where it says "Find meetup Groups", click on it. Then u can put in ur zip code and choose the various interests that u have, u can register and they will send u emails to let u know what's being planned for each group that u join. U can also choose to not receive the emails if u don't want to. Hope this helps at least a little bit. Good luck :)

  9. you could always use chat rooms where there is single moms!!!

    meet new pple and have them as penpal!! and then you could meet!!!

  10. join a club er something..

    talk to your kids friends parents.

    go to your community center and take a mommy and me class?

    try to make friends with your co workers at disneyland.

    just be frienly and smile:]]

  11. Hello, Im Steven.. You just made a new friend that fast via-internet, but one Is better then none. You just took your first step regarding your goal and thats good. I would advise you to not be desprate, be friendly to others and casual. Dress nice, try to have things In common. The time will come when you least expect It. Do not become desprate, It never works. Tell others you have a child and she 's beautiful. Honestly, everyone else does. Get a baby sitter and Invite someone out. I know you have It In you, just try and see what happens. If not, It's not your time yet but eventually you will find a friend or more,. All you can do Is try. Good luck to you and you can always contact me. I reside In New York City. Good Luck, and I know you will suceed.. Stevie Bottz...

  12. Well having a child and finding friends at the same time I can see it is very hard.  But a suggestion I have is to go on those online dating sites make your own profile thats if you are a computer person.  Or they have those ads in the paper where you can call the toll free number and do like a 5 or 10 minute phone call then meet up.  Another suggestion is have your brother babysit your little girl and have a girls night out at a club.  That is a better way to meet guys. :D Hope that helps a little bit.

  13. It depends on what area you are from, here we have an indymom's group that e-mail and meet up for coffee and have a magazine that talks about how to get out by yourself,  great date places, ect.(it's for mom's by mom's) You may look into it in your area. Since you have a child I don't suggest bars. What about some toddler tumbling classes for your child that would give you time to talk to other mom's that are there watching their children. I have 5 I never have me time. I may be the wrong person to answer this. Hope I helped some.

  14. try kid friendly places like a play ground or chucky cheese. i'm a single dad and always liked talkin 2 single moms while out with my rug rats.

  15. talk to your kids friends parents

  16. you seem down to earth, I heard you say you work at disney land? I live in florida, round miami but im willing to drive I have been having difficulty doing the same thing I just moved here from wisconsin and  my name is exactly the way it is on my profile. you should send me an email thats a start to a friend ship its and well go from there!

  17. Try going to places where you'll meet other parents, like the park, a playground or junglegym, maybe a parenting course you could sign up for, etc. Take initiative, start striking up some conversation, writing down some phone numbers. You might even meet some single dads there too ;)

  18. your daughter is the best thing in your life..youi will take care of her well and some one will notice and like you for that and life will take over ..good luck

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