
Neighbor child being beaten?? HELP?

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For couple months at about midnight everynight i hear banging and crashing and the little boy (i dont know his name)

yelling/screaming and his step-father screaming at him (this is when his mother isnt home as a nighttime nurse)

What should i do??? i dont want to say it is happing to the police and be wrong and hurt their family! PLEASE HELP




  1. tell ur parents or a trusted adult IMMEDIATELY and have them call the police. the cops will take it a bit more seriously if its not a kid calling them. its good that ur a good neighbor! but this needs to stop. the poor child could get killed if someone doesn't intervene... and by someone i mean a professional. please go now and save the little boy!

  2. Call the cops for disturbance.

    You can make all the noise you want before 10 pm in my neighborhood.

    Make an anonymous call.


    How could you be wrong? Banging, crashing, little kid yelling, crazy step-father yelling.

    Think about this, think about the little boy.



  3. i would send  in ur tip to the cops anonamosly so they dont know it was u if your wrong. make sure you tell them exactly what u know. if  your right and u tell the police you  helping this little boy

  4. Call the police. They will just go over and check it out and see if any further action needs to happen. If the father is screaming at the kid then there is at least verbal abuse going on. We just had to report a neighbor for beating her was never in front of us....but you could tell.

  5. call child protection agency. You can remain anonymous. Also they will investigate it first.  Also think, how would you feel if this kid really was being abused and u did nothing about it. Just go with ur gut!

  6. i would anyways, the police wont say it was from you. and you are probably right. i live in cali and all on the news lately is about the 4 yr old boy who got beaten to death by his step-dad, while the mom was at work. i guess they got reported by CPS a month before his death and the worker was not doing her job right. you live next door, you know, dont be sorry.

  7. Bypass the police.  Call Child Protective Services.  You will find their number in the front of your phone book.

    Do NOT wait until the next time.  Call them NOW.

    You have no choice...this is your responsibility.

    Now get off the computer and get on the phone...this child is waiting for help.

  8. ya, you will want to call the cops. my dad used to beat me and my brother with metal coat hangers. i know i was praying that someone would notice and call the police. hes in prison now. so.. but please call. you could save this child.

  9. call child services. They will come to the house and ask to speak with the parents. They may take the boy into a room away from his stepdad to ask him what is going on. the will prob have a doctor examine him to make sure he doesnt have bruises, scars ect. you need to do this or that boy could get really hurt.

  10. call dcs (department of children services) and you do not have to tell the who you are )they will do something if the child is being beaten.  It is your job to do so because you know it is still going on.  The child can no stand up for himself...put yourself in his shoes..keep trying~

  11. call the police when it first starts happening, tell them what you hear and say you want to be updated on this ASAP.  tell them youre unsure if in fact it is abuse but thats what it sounds like, they'll go over and investigate, if nothings happening the family will be fine, if it is you just saved a little boys life.  and when you call watch to see if the cops come

  12. Talk to the police and tell them you think something is wrong, but you are not sure.  Tell them what you are hearing and they will decide what to do.

    You can tell the police you do not want your name revealed.

  13. Call the police. If nothings going on then they will be fine, but you don't want the little boy to be on the news because he was murdered or something, then you will feel so guilty about it. No parent has a right to abuse their child.

  14. Do it anyway! Wouldnt you rather be safe then sorry!! Call them asap!!

  15. If the police are being a tad bit lazy try calling Child Services becasue no matter what they have to go out and investigate things, i mean it wont be that night but at least there would be a chance for the little boy to get help and if they dont find anything wrong then it's no worse off becasue even if you might not be sure you'd feel terrible if that little boy ended up in the hospital or worse

  16. call someone for help even some child protection company if you are wrong then they have nothing to worry about but if you do nothing then something happens to the poor child then you will never be able to forgive yourself so call maybe speak to your other neighbours see if they are thinkin the same thing you can never be too safe when it comes to a childs safety hope this gets sorted out for you and someone listens to you keep a diary of what you hear and when  you will find someone to listen to you andyour concerns and your doing the right thing by seeking help if it is innocent (which it doesnt sound) then they will be cleared

  17. You need to call the police---IMMEDIATELY.  They will come and investigate, and it will be anonymous who called.  The Department of Human Services will get involved to make sure the child is ok.  Even if you are wrong (which I don't how you can be), it is better to be wrong and investigate it, than to be right and to do nothing.  Imagine how you would feel if the step-dad really lost it one night and killed the boy--and you had done nothing.

    Call the police---please!!!

  18. Kill the dad

    just kidding

    call the cops and tell them what u hear

    Better safe than sorry

    its okay if ur wrong

    but theres a big chance ur not wrong

    save that kid..

  19. i understand u wouldnt want to hurt the family, but ur hurting the kid physically!tell the mother as soon as you can and explain to her the situation..if she won't be able to handle it...take matters into ur own scary, but the poor kid is being beaten!

  20. Call the police.

    Tell them that my neighbor kids step-dad is hurting the kid for no reason and that you're going to go over there with a gun and shoot the man.

    See how fast it takes them to get over there then.  Time them if you want.

    It should stop after that

  21. why did you take it longer just call the police

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