
Neighborhood Question? Need some help?

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I have a house with a relatively speaking normal size backyard, and I have a 4 foot metal fence surrounding only the backyard. And in the backyard I have two pitbulls both hooked up to an electric fence so the dogs don't get near the fence. My house and the neighbor's house is relatively close, and they have a 9 year old daughter with downsyndrome, which there parents we can say dont really take care of that well. The other day i was looking out to my backyard and I seen the young girl trying to climb the fence almost to the top, and I know for a fact my dogs do not like children. I jumped out and grabbed the girl and called her mother. I am always at school or work, my question is what can happen to me if ( i hope it doesn't) the girl falls in my yard and is attacked. I hope nothing happens, any comments or answers?




  1. put up a beware of dog sign and talk to the girls parents. if it happens then you are not to blame.

  2. I am sure that something could happen to you if your dogs attacked this girl, whether or not, she went in your yard or the dogs got out.

    Maybe you should consider a higher more secure fence if your dogs don't like kids.

    Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

  3. You should talk to the parents and ask them to enforce good behavior and to not do it.

  4. You seriously need to to have a sit down talk with the girls parents. You can be sued, fined, or put in jail if your dogs harm her. You also have to think about the electric fence and her getting into it. I think you are a responsible owner, and I'm glad that you have contained your dogs.

  5. It is my understanding that you are responsible even if someone comes on to your property.  It sounds like you have done your part to keep your dogs contained.  But now, even though it does not seem fair, you must take steps to keep the child out.  

  6. If she comes in your yard, you're screwed. You already say the dogs do not like kids...YOU need to deal with that. That means making sure the yard is more secure. I don't mean putting up signs....I mean making it so people can't get matter how bad they try. 8 foot fence, razor wire, chains, locks, etc. You choose to own dogs that apparently are dangerous to children. Children don't think like adults, and WILL enter the yard if they can.....down-syndrome or not.

    About 12-15 year ago, some ignorant woman wanted to play with Binky (the polar bear at the Anchorage zoo). Binky was in a professionally designed zoo enclosure...but she got in. Binky had a great time mauling her for about 10 minutes. They later sold t-shirts with Binky holding her bloody tennis shoe on them. A couple years later, some teenagers decided to take a dip in Binky's pool....Binky ate good that night. A few months later, he was poisoned. The outcry to have him put to sleep was outrageous! Unfortunately, some a$$hole took out his revenge on him.

    You're not talking about a big, cuddly bear that is loved by're talking about pitbulls....despised by the uneducated, and all to often owned by the people that have created their predicament. If that kid climbs a 10 foot wall, swims a moat and steps through a mine field to get to your lawyer in the world will keep them from being put to sleep if she gets bit. All someone has to do anymore is call animal control and tell them that your dogs barked at them aggressively, and "resemble" pitbulls....and they'll probably haul them away.

    Secure your yard or move to the country. Putting up signs will only be admitting that you KNOW the dogs are dangerous. The absolute BEST answer when something like this happens is "He's never done THAT before".

    Good luck...unfortunately, this is the world we live in.

  7. You should talk to the girls parents.

  8. I would explain to your neighbors that your dogs do not like young children and while you have done  your part to be sure the dogs stay contained on your property, in your yard, you have no control over their daughter and they need to keep her away from the fence and your animals.  Since you already stopped her once from climbing into your yard, they should know that the child is capable of climbing the fence and getting into your yard.  I would also contact legal aid and ask this question to them.  I really have no idea if you would be liable for the injuries to someone who came onto your property uninvited.  You need to inquire to protect yourself and your pets.

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