
Neighborhood in the US?

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Why is it when neighborhoods in the US that have a white population in which black people start to moving in and become a majority, white people believe it is becoming a bad neighborhood or its becoming ghetto?




  1. Well, since I've lived it once or twice, I'll give my opinion.

    I was raised on a beautiful tree lined street where the houses were immaculate, both inside and out. The neighbors were considerate and polite.  When blacks began to move into the community things changed.  The nice houses they moved into no longer received any maintenance.  Broken windows were not replaced, doors fell off hinges and stayed that way, they would sit on their porches and throw trash on the lawn.

    Property values plunged as the neighborhoods deteriorated and white people moved out as fast as they could.  Since whites wouldn't move into the neighborhood it would turn completely black and become a ghetto.

    This is not an exaggeration.  This is what happened and why it happened.  I have often revisited my old neighborhood and it's enough to make you cry.  The pride my parents felt in their new home was replaced by a broken down, rat infested structure that used to be our home.

    Your question?  Why do white people believe it is becoming a bad neighborhood or its becoming ghetto?  Because that's exactly what happens.  It becomes a ghetto.  We don't just "believe" it's becoming absolutely has become bad.  Why would anyone in their right mind want to be pulled down by ignorant neighbors?

  2. Because when the white people lived in the homes, they owned them. When the black people lived in the homes, they were renters.  It is true that all people, regardless of race or color, have more pride in property that they call their own.

    The first two answers you received came from very racist people who cannot see beyond color and who refuse to see the big picture.

  3. Blacks in America traditionally have higher violence and crime rates, so naturally having more black people would create more violence.  Also, blacks face a nation in which whites make more money, so when a large number of blacks move into a predominately white neighborhood, it stands to reason that the average GDP of that neighborhood would drop, thereby dropping property values in the long run.  This would lead to even more violence and danger.

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