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my fiance has these neighbors at his apartments who sit in the middle of the side walk for hours on end. you have to walk around them in the grass any time you want to go somewhere. this is fine, but i'd rather walk on the sidewalk.

their dog chases us in the apartment every time we come back home. it's a cute little furball so i don't mind too much because i get to play with it, but it's still slightly annoying, so i have taken to just ignoring them.

why do people do that? to get attention? would this bother anyone else? it would be different if they were sitting up on their 'porch' or on the grass, but they are in the way. smack dab in the middle of the sidewalk.





  1. you might want to handle this one step at a time..

    Since you have a friendly relationship with the neighbors already, I would start with the sidewalk.  Ask them if they wouldn't be more comfortable on the grass where people aren't constantly running into them.  

    then offer concern for the dog not on a leash getting hurt or accidentally biting someone or running off.  Suggest they protect their dog a little more so it stays safe.  

    if that doesn't work, you can involve the building super or the local dog catcher.

  2. You people need to grow some backbones. If you want to walk on the sidewalk and they are blocking it, stop and say "excuse me Tom, would you please move your lawn chairs off the sidewalk".

    Don't ignore them, don't drop hints, be polite and be direct. When my neighbors park their cars on the sidewalk, I tell them "please don't park on the sidewalk. I need to walk downtown and I don't want to have to walk in the grass."

  3. Wow- that would be aggravating. You are nice to just go along with it and look at the positive side of things. All I can think of is they have absolutely no manners, or they are so righteous about themselves they think they are very special. Either way it's rude and wrong. I'm surprised management hasn't put a stop to it!

  4. Can`t live with `em, can live `wit out `em. UNLESS one of your best friends lives near you.

  5. they're jerks start stepping right over them. make comments like side"walks" are for walking on.

  6. They probably aren't aware that they're inconveniencing you.  People are all brought up differently.  It might not be a bad thing to tell them that you'd like to walk on the sidewalk (tell them it's your shoes or something), but likely they'll just scootch over and you'll have about six inches to step between them.

    You may want to talk to the landlord about providing a place more hospitable for people to sit.  In my experience (couple decades of renting), it's best to play nice with the neighbors, and if you really don't like them, move.  Sorry.
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