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This new sub-ideology is taking the US by storm, and its members are usually the lesser intelligent. They are also usually evangelicals. Christian Fundamentalists.

I'm just sick of them coming on here, bashing, harassing everyone that isn't a neoconservative. Its sickening. They also do it in the most witless way. These people would rather have the first 300 people in the Boston phonebook to lead their country, then the faculty at Harvard.

They don't even contribute anything intellectually.

Why does being pro-people instead of pro-corporation such a bad thing?

Since I'm not a Christian, does that make me a terrible person?

Since I don't watch fox news, I must be seriously misinformed right?

Since I don't think Obama is a terrorist, I must suffer from down syndrome, am I right?

So, who else is sick of these poorly educated, jingoistic, neoconservative, fundamentalists?

Its no coincidence that neoconservatives generally reside in the whitest, poorest state




  1. Here I will break it down you Canadian underage child.

    You are an idiot who will refuse to listen to any other side other than your own, and if someone would try to inform about the other side you would threw up your usually liberal cliches, but let me answer your questions.

    1.  It is not a bad thing, but remember who people work for Corporations.

    2.  NO. Everyone has there beliefs, and at least you believe in something kind of.

    3.  No, but you won't listen to the other side of the argument.  so I am sure you are well informed on the left.

    4.  Maybe,  but are we all  guilty by association?

  2. Wow, that was rather close minded of such a devout liberal.

  3. I think everyone does their share of bashing on all sides,Dont let it bother you.I am sending a little info ,I hope you consider it.

    The CFR, Bilderberg group, &/or Trilateral Commission . Bill Clinton furthered their interests by signing NAFTA . Which by the way, is not a law or a treaty, and the terms of which could be renegotiated at any time.

    In testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, CFR member James Warburg said: “We shall have world government whether or not you like it --by conquest or consent.”Fred Thompson is a CFR member. Rudy Giuliani is a CFR member. Mitt Romney is a CFR member. Hillary Clinton is a CFR member. Barak Obama is a CFR member. The Council on Foreign Relations seems to dominate our government, Democrat or Republican! All of the "top tier" candidates are CFR puppets, with only one exception, RON PAUL. The CFR has been promoting one world government since the orgaization was founded in 1921.

    "In 1944 and in 1948, the Republican candidate for President, Thomas Dewey, was a CFR member. In later years, Republicans Eisenhower and Nixon were members of the CFR, as were Democrats Stevenson, Kennedy, Humphrey, and McGovern. (Note: We believe Kennedy became disloyal to the CFR prior to his assassination. ) The American people think that they have a choice when they vote for a President, but the truth of the matter is, with few exceptions: Presidential candidates for decades have been CFR members.

    The CFR not only has its members in the United States Government, but its influence has also spead to other vital areas of American life. According to Newell: 'Its members have run, or are running, NBC and CBS, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Des Moines Register, and many other important newspapers. The leaders of Time, Newsweek, Fortune, Business Week, and numerous other publications are CFR members. The organization’ s members also dominate the academic world, top corporations, the huge tax-exempt foundations, labor unions, the military, and just about every segment of American life.'

    (My note: It is no wonder that the media calls those who call out CFR members "conspiracy theorists," given that they are themselves CFR members.)

    Barry Goldwater states in his book, 'With No Apologies', on page 231:

    'Does it not seem strange to you that these men just happened to be CFR and just happened to be on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, that absolutely controls the money and interest rates of this great country without benefit of Congress? A privately owned organization, the Federal Reserve, which has absolutely nothing to do with the United States of America!'

    and Newell continues to write: 'Not every member of the CFR is fully committed to carrying out Edward Mandell House’s conspiratorial plan. Many have been flattered by an invitation to join a study group, which is what the CFR calls itself. Others go along because of personal benefits, such as a nice job and a new importance. But all are used to promote the destruction of U.S. sovereignty. ' "

  4. well said

  5. I don't agree with the far right, but Harvard has had there chance and have failed. What is needed most from a candidate is not how many diplomas they have hanging on the wall, but how much common sense they have, most highly intelligent people can barely start a car and that tells me they have no common sense and that's dangerous.

  6. I don't consider myself a neoconservative. I would call myself a Classical Liberal. I support the rights of the individual.

    Now, to answer your questions.

    1. What exactly does "pro-people" mean. If, by this, you mean that you think that people would be better off in a socialist government, then I'm rather confused. It would seem that, in terms of effectively protecting the people's rights, socialism is the least effective means of government. We have Russia, or the former USSR, as an example of Socialism's "pro-person" philosophies.

    2. No. Obviously not. But many socialists operate under the reverse of that assumption, and assume that all Christians are terrible people. I'm not a Christian, either, but I don't think that, in general, Christians hate non-christians.

    3. FOX news is definitely biased. However, it is no more biased than CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, or any other news. There is no completely unbiased news source on television.

    4. Hardly anybody really believes that Obama is a terrorist. You're grossly exaggerating.

    Now, tell me exactly how the following is anti-people.

    I believe that, in America, the constitution should be strictly adhered to in all legal manners. Why? Because the Constitution is the best guaranteer of people's rights. People have a right to say what they think, they have a right to defend themselves, they have a right to keep their property. Any government that attempts to "promote the general welfare" by taking money from some people and giving it to others is not helping anyone. Such redistribution of wealth only serves to keep a small percentage of poor people in poverty, providing them with just enough money to get by, and giving them no incentive to make their lives productive.

    Now, if you can tell me exactly how your democratic socialism protects people's rights--and by everybody, I mean EVERYBODY--then perhaps I'll consider your ideas, and actually listen to your pathetic rants.

    In response, the only difference between communism and socialism is the manner in which they spread. Communism is, essentially, revolutionary socialism: the idea that socialist government will be achieved through a radical change in power. Socialism holds that belief that its system will be achieved through a gradual shift of power. So, you are wrong when you say that Russia is a bad comparison. Look up the definitions of both Communism and Socialism before you try to catch me in a "blunder."

    Concerning "fundementalist Christians," let me ask you, what exactly is a "Fundamentalist Christian?" If that means that they adhere to the Bible, then, no, they don't hate non-Christians. I don't believe that the majority of them hate non-Christians. Now, there are small groups of radical "Christians," that express hate for non-Christians, but they in no way represent the majority of Christians, or even fundamentalist Christians. There are extremes in all aspects of life, and, even as there are crazed environmentalists who belief that mankind should just disappear off the face of the earth, their are people who call themselves Christians who stand for things entirely against the basic principles of the religion. But, in both scenarios, they do NOT represent the views of the majority of their respective groups.

    Third, in regard to the Obama/ terrorism issue, I would like to point out that a few people of Yahoo! Answers do not represent an entire class of people, or an entire political movement.

    Also, I agree with you entirely that the United States government is excessively large, greedy, and corrupt. However, I believe that we to drastically shrink the size of government and its involvement in American's lives. People need to stop relying on the government and begin to take responsibility for their own actions. They need to make their own living, and need to have the right to keep the living that they make, without the government snatching that living from them and giving it to someone less productive. The government should never take up itself to be one big charity: their can be no perfectly fair governmental "Robin Hood."

    Again, how is this belief anti-people?

    And, when you say "I'd hardly call 28% a small group," what are you talking about? What does that have to do with my answers? I said that your 28% is a gross exaggeration, and that not all neoconservatives think this Besides, you just said, "they make up only 28% of the country" Only 28%? So it's only a small number when you don't want to come off as anti-American, but when I say that only a small group of people think in such a radical way, suddenly 28% becomes a huge number? You're confusing me.

    Since when does France have a fantastic economy? France's economy is riddled with problems, and, for a long time, it's been stagnant. Since you seem to fail to do any research, please read this article. France is far from being economically stable. In fact, it suffers from some of the same problems we face in America: High debt, poor government handling of tax revenue, and a large-scale trend toward socialism. In fact, the only factor keeping France afloat today is its capitalist free market system. But, as the government moves toward socialist regulations, the economy is headed for a crisis (read article 2). In addition, France's unemployment rate is 8.4&, double the United State's (article 3). So, before you tout France as the prime example of successful socialism, do some research, for God's sake.

    Well, if you want to make the distinction between the two, could you at least tell us what the difference between conservatives and neoconservatives is? Or do you not know?

    The 2 main differences between neoconservatism and traditional conservatism are as follows: neocons support interventionist foreign policy and social welfare, while conservatives are non-interventionist and strictly capitalist. The funny thing is that neoconservatives are more socialist economically than regular conservatives. So, if you're a democratic socialist, you should like neocons more than regular conservatives.

  7. Harvard is a liberal school

    I'm very conservative


    OH AND I DONT WATCH FOX NEWS....I THINK BILL ORIELLY IS A IDIOT.... and by saying everything you just said you are the same as them............

    Vote McCain the lesser of the two evils

    oh and Osama is a terrorist! wait I mean Obama....

  8. Your smug, festering ilk amuses me.  You are so rabidly anti American and anti conservative, utterly eschewing and ridiculing those ideologies and fundamentals that made the United States the beacon of innovation, opportunity and success on this planet.  The thing that really gets me about you and your witlessly ignorant ilk is your utterly unfounded castigation of your opposition--aka your betters--as somehoiw being of lesser intelligence and or literary capabilities.  Bring it on, libtard moron.  I look forward to teaching you shiite from shinola.  It will obviously be your first lesson.

    A "democratic socialist" tells me all I need to know about your relative intelligence and common sense.

    You're exactly bright enough to support a system that has failed in its each and every attempt.  It's not much of a stretch to therefore assume you a loser as well.

    EDIT TO ADD:  I'll type this reeeeeeal slow for your obvious need.  You and your utterly self righteous, leeching ilk despise capitalism, having been gleefully steeped in the profoundly vacuous propaganda of the uber left.

    CLUE:  Capitalism has contributed more revenue and innovations to this planet than all of the lesser systems combined.  

    Care to debate me on that?

    Capitalism is what made America great in every sense of the word.  You, as an admittedly witless socialist, eschew capitalism and therefore America.

    Sorry for the multisyllabic words--must've taken you hours.

  9. I agree that neoconservatives are annoying as h**l, but please don't lump them in with the rest of us true conservatives.

    I'm a very conservative Libertarian and I promise you I dislike neocons more than you.

    They are not true conservatives, nor are they true Republicans for that matter.

    But it's important to note that the exact same thing is happening on the left. The socialistic-incline far-left is taking over the Democratic party.

    The right has religious, big-gov't zealots and the left has radical socialists who'd like to make us into a quasi-European utopia.

    There are problems all around.
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