
Nepali food and hostles?

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I'm going to Nepal for 5 months in November, but i have special dietary needs. I have Celiac Decease, meaning I cannot have Gluten(wheat, flour, barely.) I have read that rice is there main food staple, but Do you think i will have a hard time avoiding wheat? (I have never really travelled, except to Europe for two weeks in the spring, and i had a hard time finding food i could eat.)

Also, I'm hoping to stay in a hostel for the first couple of nights I get there, then i will be with a Home-stay Family. How do i find hostels?




  1. I never experienced such a situation. It depends on you, your choice and situations. If you have to avoid eating wheat flour or barley then off course you can. Explain to Guesthouse owner or eat outside where those things available to which suits to you.

  2. The main diet in Nepal includes rice, and secondly wheat. But it is really easy to get to eat whatever you want to. All you got to do is explain them what you can't eat. Avoiding wheat won't be a very big problem. If you are travelling to some rural areas, most people don't speak English. A little phrase book in your case would be a life saver.

    You can tell them "ma gahu khada birami hunchu". Meaning, I get sick when I eat wheat.

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