
Nervous, advice? Help!?

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I have a soccer tournament this weekend and I'm s0o00o0o0 nervous about playing. I'm not only nervous about playing in the game though, I'm more nervous about before the game, like the check-in and warm up. Check in is when the refs right down our numbers, and they call our names. Well when everyones names are called everyone screams for eachother. Everytime just before my name gets called I freak out that it will be totally quite, when my name is called. Its a stupid thing to be scared about, but I get scared. Then for warm up we always have to get in groups and this is what I'm the most nervous about. I'm not exactly BFFs with any of the girls on the teams. I'm friends with all of them(I'm actually kind of intimidated by a couple of them) but it seems like when we make groups I'm always picked last because someone doesnt have enough ppl and I'm the only one left. It sucks I'm like a last choice! ugh its like the worst feeling ever. I only met these girls about 2 months ago so i didnt really expect to be extremely close to any of them but still.

Any advice?




  1. Your probably 13 - 15. I felt the same way about football so I got into Cheerleading. I am around your age and don't you worry I got out of Cheerleading. Anyway, The nervousness and feeling last is completely normal and I believe everyone at anytime can get it. I think it's normal and you just have sort of an anxiety. I think you should go in there confident and no matter what whether the game was lost or won come out of there as confident as possible. Once you get called, I will bet they cheer your name just like everyone else! Play your best and just act yourself . Be confident in what you do and not what people think of you. That's how I got over it. Good luck!

  2. Sweetheart, i wish i had your problem when i was your age.  Everyone gets the butterflies in the stomach, and don't let anyone try to fool you..everyone does go thorugh it.  after a few rounds, you'll be fine.  make a goal for me

    i wish i could have

  3. Just dont worry about it. I used to be just like that, worrying about things like that.

    Just focus on other things and do deep breathing excersises, to help


  4. Old sports trick.  Play the game in your head and see yourself playing FLAWLESSLY.  Golfers do it to improve their swing, baseball pitchers do it to make a great game.  Google creative visualization and a few words like soccar, sports, etc. for 100s of pages with tips or email me some time

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