
Nervous about new job...

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I have never had a job before (I am 18 and my parents wouldn't let me have a job while I was in school) and I just got hired today. I had an interview at the Comfort Inn and I was hired on the spot for a Front Desk position. The general manager who I did the interview with was really nice but I am still nervous. I am supposed to be training all this week because I will be taking over for a pregnant lady who has been going into early labor. How can I be less nervous? I know this is really irrational. Has anyone had a job like this and is it easy to train for?




  1. I am starting a new job too! It won't be my first job but its my first serious full time job since graduating college. Let yourself be nervous. Your nervousness is just a way of your body telling you that this is important to you. You'll make mistakes and grow from them. You must give off a great first impression if you were hired on the spot, which is important for a front desk position! You are going to be nervous...its your first job! The nervousness will ease the more you learn and with the more hours you work! Deep breathing excercise can help. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth exhaling for longer then you inhale until you have exhaled all the air out of your lungs. (I like breathing in for a count of 5, exhaling for a count of 6)

  2. How did you get hired :\

    I'm 16 and I've been looking all summer!!!! Since may!!!

    Well... good luck...wish me some PLEASE!!!!

  3. Being nervous is normal.  Just try to relax, on your first day of training take lots of notes and try to stay calm.  You're not going to remember everything right away, that is why you'll have a weeks worth of training.  Every one makes mistakes, just try to make as few as possible.  

    Apparently the General Manager must have been fairly impressed with you and believes that you'll do a good job otherwise he wouldn't have hired you on the spot.  

    If you feel like you're getting a little overwhelmed take a few deep breaths and act confident even if you don't quite yet feel confident.  Confidence comes with experience..... you'll get there.

  4. You will be just fine.  Everyone goes through this in some degree with every new job.  The fact that you are nervous also tells me that you want to make a good impression and do your best.  I just came back from a vacation and believe me, sight unseen, I guarantee you are more qualified and will do better than the front desk clerks I came in contact with.  Best of luck and welcome to the world of the working class.

    And ignore the spammer above..... geeeezz

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