I'm only 24w1d and I swear, I'm nesting already. In the last three days, I have made my husband move rooms around such as switching dressers into different bedrooms, then I have thrown all my babies clothes and my daughter's clothing into the middle of a room, sorted it, folded it, put it away, and if it needed to be hung, I arranged it in order of size, 0 months and up. I have thrown out tons of garbage and even perfectly good items.
I have also scrubbed the dishes and floors, vacuumed etc. I think I have only sat to rest for meal time and for bed time.
My house is nearly spotless.
I'm also h**l bent and pushy on what we buy and when we buy it. Apart from bills and food, our extra money has gone only to baby things, even though we still have 16 weeks left. My husband wants to spend it on other things, but I just want to buy for the baby and make sure we have everything. I've actually thrown a tentrum worse than my 17 month old daughter's tantrums because my husband wanted to buy a $10 movie, and I wanted to put that money towards our double stroller.
I didn't start this nesting phase until 39 weeks with my daughter. 3 days after I started, my daughter was born.
Is it common to start nesting this early? It doesn't mean my son will come early, does it?