
Never cooked before!! Help! ?

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Ok... I have never cooked a day in my life and I need some ideas for tonights dinner... I want to do a chicken alfredo dish like they serve at the olive garden & this is what I have...

1 box of Ziti

1 jar of Alfredo sauce

1 green bell pepper

1 red bell pepper

a spice to use on chicken

vegetable oil

And thats about it! I have no time to run to the store and I have NO IDEA WHAT IM DOING LOL Im young sorry =(

Please explain EXACTLY what I should do and how and when and everything I would need to know! I literally have never cooked!! It would be greatly appreciated! Best answer 10 points =) Thank you Thank you Thank You!!!




  1. 2 lbs boneless chicken b*****s

    4 tablespoons oil

    1/4 cup butter

    1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, grated

    3/4 cup heavy cream

    salt and pepper, to taste

    1 lb fettuccine

    Heat oil in a 10 inch skillet. Cut chicken breast into strips. Add salt and pepper. Fry on medium heat until cooked through.


    Melt butter in saucepan; add cream and cheese. cook over low heat, stirring constantly. Do not boil.

    Cook fettuccine in 3 quarts boiling water. Mix chicken and Alfredo sauce together. Drain noodles. Put sauce and chicken over noodles.

    6 servings.

    Submitted by: Ruth Quick

    Okay In this recipe it talks about frying the chicken in a skillet; or a large pan. heat the pan with oil and cook the chicken which should be cut into strips but before you cut and cook the chicken put a little spice on it not to much . You will know the chicken is done when its white. you could also cook the peppers at the same time as the chicken, just cut them up and make sure all the seeds are out of the peppers. Peppers take less time to cook then the chicken so put them in after you let the chicken cook for a while. (sorry if that doesn't make any sense I cant really describe that part). Also when you cut up the noodles you only need to use about 1/2 of each soo cut them up and use the other half for a salad or something! : )

    Okay, now it is time to tine to cook the Ziti   take a big pot filled with water. Put it on the stove on High heat and wait for it to boil ( it take about 10 minutes to boil water depending on your stove) put the Ziti in the water after it starts to boil and cook it for about 8 - 10 minutes on the box it should tell you how long to cook it for. When the 10 minutes are up drain the Ziti in a strainer or colander.  Put it in the pot or a big bowl and the chicken and peppers.

    Okay to make the sauce - DO NOT fallow the STEPS ABOVE in the recipe - because that is how you make it from scratch! All you have to do is heat up  the Alfredo sauce by fallowing the direction on the jar(you just put in a pan and heat). after the sauce is hot or warmed you dump it all over the bowl of Ziti and Chicken and Pepper. Toss by taking a spoon and fork and move the Ziti and Chicken and Peppers around so that EVERYTHING is covered in the sauce.

    I hope that who ever you are making this for really enjoys it!

    Good LUCK

  2. Okay here we go:)

    Get out a big pot to boil water to make the noodles. Fill the pot about 75% of the way with water. Put on the burner and put it on med. to high in temp. When the water is boiling add the box of noodles. Turn down the temp to med. Stir occasionally When the water is boiling again, let it boil for about 10 minutes or until the noodles are tender.

    Get out a medium pot and put the alfredo sauce that you have in the pan. Put in on the burner with a temp of  low to med. If it starts to boil lower the temp. Stir it occasionally.

    While the noodles are cooking. Cut up the peppers, take the pepper cut it in half. Cut out the middle and toss. Cut the top, stem off. and cut the rest in to long thin pieces. Get out a large skillet. Set on the burner and set on med. Put a few spoon fuls of veg. oil in the pan. When the oil starts bubbling add the peppers. turn down the heat about half way between the low and med. Let that cook, while you cut the chicken up probably into 1 inch - 2 inch pieces. Add the chicken to the peppers. Add the spice that you have, probably just a dash or two. You can turn up the temp to no more than med. high. When the chicken is tan to golden. it is done. Turn down the temp.

    When the noodles are done, get out a strainer and dump the noodles and water into the strainer. Now get out plates and divide portions, Put noodles one the plate then add the alfredo (You can add the noodles to the alfredo before serving as well) then add the chicken and peppers  and if you have cheese, like parmesean cheese to add to the top. Then serve. Good luck!!

  3. Boil the ziti according to the pkg directions (depending on the size of your fam, you may only want half the container). Drain and set aside.

    In the meantime. Cut the bell peppers in strips, saute (cook in oil) in the veggie oil over mediumheat. Pick one up and test it. When you bite into it you want it to still be crispy but not still raw crunchy. Take the peppers out the pan and set on a plate. Cut the chicken into strips (this will result in a quicker cooking time) sprinkle on a little of the chicken seasoning onto the chicken. Heat up about 1-2 tbsp more oil, add the chicken. And cook until when you cut or break a strip in 1/2 there is NO more pink.

    The next part I would do 1 of 2 ways:

    1. Return the peppers to the pan and add the ziti. Pour the alfredo sauce over everything and cook over medium heat until everything is nice and hot.

    2. Return noodles to the pan and add the jar of alfredo sauce cook over low until the sauce and noodles are once again hot. Spoon onto plates and add a couple slices of chicken and bell peppers.

    Also for future cooking nights here is a way to make cheaters alfredo sauce using cream cheese.

    Cheaters Alfredo Sauce:

    1 or 2 pkgs cream cheese softened and cut into cubes (to help with the flavoring of the sauce you could also do the flavored cream cheeses. Like a gralic herb, or veggie or something along those lines would be good too.)


    seasonings (my faves are seasoned salt, celery salt, granulated garlic, onion powder)

    Parmesan cheese optional

    Pasta of choice...bowtie, fettecini, shells, angel hair etc...

    Cook and drain the pasta

    In a sauce pan melt the cream cheese and add milk slowly to get the desired thickness. Add the seasonings and a little parm if you want. You could also garnish with a little parm and dried or fresh chopped parsley.

    Sometimes I make this with corn-canned/drianed-frozen/thawed/draine... peas-frozen/thawed/drained, onions-chopped/sauteed, frozen broccoli-you get the picture here, and even carrots-peeled/chopped/and sauteed with the onions.


  5. Okay, calm down. No problem.

    I'm gonna assume you also have, you know, chicken? Haha.

    Now, take the chicken out and put it on a plastic cutting board. Sprinkle a little bit of the seasoning on both sides. Make sure you use a clean hand on the seasoning, you want to keep everything clean.

    After you season the chicken, wash your hands well with soap and water.

    Put a big pot of water on to boil, season with a few pinches of salt.

    Then put a skillet on the stove, add a little bit of vegetable oil, and let it heat up over medium heat. Once the oil starts to ripple a little (you'll see it) add the chicken. Don't touch the heat dial, just leave it on medium. Cook it for about 8-10 minutes on the first side, until it gets a bit of color on it. Flip it using tongs or a spatula, and now turn the heat down a little bit, to med-low. Cook for another 10ish minutes, but check the chicken at 8. Just cut one piece a little bit, and look inside. If there's any pink, you've got more cooking to do.

    Now, as soon as your pot of water comes to a boil, add your pasta, and cook according to the box directions.

    After its cooked, strain, but don't rinse! You'll wash the starch off, and cool the pasta down.

    While everything else is cooking, put the alfredo sauce in a microwave safe bowl and heat, again, according to the directions on the jar.

    Also, chop up your red bell pepper, removing the seeds and ribs (the white things on the pepper).

    Now, after the pastas done, chicken's cooked, and the sauce is heated up, just plate it up and serve. Put the pasta on the plate, top with chicken, then a little bit of bell pepper, then top it all off with the sauce.

    You should have enough for about 2 or 3 servings.

    And this will take about 30 minutes overall to prepare. So plan accordingly, you want the food to be hot.

    If you have some garlic bread, that would be great to go along with this.

    Hope this works out for you. And remember, after touching raw chicken always wash your hands well with soap and water.

  6. Go buy a pizza!. dont let your 1st time cooking be for someone, because if its not good then  dont plan on whoever ate your food to want  to eat it again. make some for yourself 1st.

  7. lol u must be pretty 11 and i have cooked many things but i have no clue. maybe look it up on google

  8. You didn't officially mention it, but I assume you have the chicken.  :)


    1 lb chicken breast, cut into small chunks

    1 tsp olive oil

    1 green bell pepper, seeded & diced

    1 red bell pepper, seeded & chopped

    1/2 onion, chopped (optional)

    1 jar Alfredo sauce

    1 package of your fave pasta

    spices to taste

    Heat a teaspoon of olive oil in a deep sauté pan on low-medium heat. Add onions (if using) and peppers, heat until the onions are transluscent & peppers are tender. Add the chicken breast chunks and lightly brown. Add the alfredo sauce, and any other vegetables you would like to add. Cover and heat to bubbling on medium-high heat, then simmer on low heat for 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.  Add spices to taste.

    Cook pasta according to package directions.  You can either serve the chicken alfredo OVER the noodles, or mix them together.  :)

  9. Prep Time: 5 minutes

    Cook Time: 15 minutes


        * 10 oz. jar alfredo sauce

        * 1/4 cup milk

        * 9 oz. pkg. fresh refrigerated fettuccine pasta

        * 1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese


    In heavy saucepan, combine sauce and milk and mix well to combine. Heat gently over low heat. Meanwhile, cook fettuccine according to package directions and drain well. Immediately stir into hot sauce mixture and toss gently to coat. Serve with Parmesan cheese. Serves 4-6  ok so just substitute the ziti for the fettuccine and in the process sautée the peppers in a small skillet then combine everything together when they are finished.

  10. Ok, instructions for the pasta are on the back of the box so fill a large pot with water, put it on the stove, turn the burner on to high heat and wait until the water boils to add the ziti. While the pasta is cooking, heat the sauce in a small pan on medium heat (don't let it bubble a lot, but gentle, small bubbles are ok). Check the pasta by taking a bite of one- if its really chewy or dry and hard they need more time. You want the pasta to be al dente, a little firm but soft enough to chew without feeling like you're chewing bad gum. The sauce can stay on low heat until you're ready to use it after its heated all the way through, stir a few times. Chop up the peppers however you like but be careful and use the sharpest knife you have. I don't know if this chicken is cooked or not but if it isn't, put a small spoonful of oil in a frying pan on medium high heat, wait until the oil spread itself out and seems very thin and place the chicken in the pan slowly- don't get burned! If its thin cutlets, it will cook quickly- if its thick b*****s cook on medium heat until the b*****s bounce back to the touch (push on it with your finger and if it doesn't leave a dent, they should be ok). Season lightly before turning over one last time and take off the burner. OK, so if the pasta is al dente, the chicken is cooked, the sauce is waiting on low heat and the peppers are chopped, you need to take the pasta out of the water using a strainer- should put it in the sink and pour the contents of the pot over it- be careful of steam burns- and toss the drying pasta to keep it from stick. Then toss it back into the now empty pot, pour the alfredo over it and toss to coat. Spoon onto plates, lay the chicken over the sauced pasta and sprinkle with chopped peppers. I have no idea how Olive Garden does theirs but this is how i like mine so I hope you do too. Good luck!

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