
Never kissed a guy.?

by Guest45281  |  earlier

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im 16 and i never kissed a u think this is weird..i only kiss a guy if i love him. and i never been in love should i know if im ready to kiss?




  1. dont worry neither have i

  2. my ex girl friend who was 16 had 4 other boyfriends before me and never once kissed a guy she didnt kiss me either before she broke up with me its actually pretty embarrasing but no its cool if u want to save ur first kiss but just to tell u it might annoy a few guys

  3. No its not about respect! But dont worry when the time comes youll know...  

  4. h**l girl, i wish i as you, i was unfortunatly raped at 7 and i was a s**t then on, until i met joel, he is my savior, he wont have s*x with me unless its been a month, 1 time a month, i would give anything to be you tho, and have a fresh start at purity. i feel like a used toy that is so vulnerable about being tossed anytime now, but he wont , were engaged, and honey, im 17

  5. i didnt till i was in love and it was perfect.  

  6. u will know when your lips is touching his and there is nothing wrong with waiting till u are ready I am not sure about being in love with the first boy u KISS like a alot maybe but I am not sure about love

  7. Well your time would come some have it later then others.


  8. i never kissed a girl till i hit 17 but after that kissing is not even a big deal girl just gives me a peck on my lips and it means nothhing

  9. don't feel bad I'm in the same boat I'm 16 and I've never kissed a girl

    lol I've never even had a girl friend at that.

    so don't feel bad i'm just glad i'm not the only 16 year old who's in this situation

    good luck

    I'm sure we'll both find love eventually

  10. I don't think it's weird :) I've had my first kiss recently (i was 16 then too), and it was great because i waited for someone i really cared about. It would make the kiss a lot better if you waited and if you chose the right person. Don't be afraid that you won't know what to do, everybody feels their way through their first kiss. If it's his first kiss too, you could learn together in a funny way and see what best fits you both. If he'll be more experienced, maybe you can talk to him before and ask him to teach you.

    Nevertheless, let it be a conscious decision regarding your first kiss. Chances are, you'll never forget it.  

  11.   I'm 31.  The girls like you from highschool are the one who turned out the best.  Don't change because of the pressure ANYONE puts on you. Follow your internal compass.

  12. It's not weird. It will happen when you are ready for it to happen.

  13. Don't let love determine who you kiss.

    Kissing isn't a huge deal.

    Kiss someone you like.

    Not that you love.

    Because chances are that you won't end up with that 1st person you kiss.

    And no, it's not weird at all that you haven't kissed a guy.

    Good luck tho!

  14. I've never kissed a guy, either.

    Probably because I'm a straight male.

  15. Your time will come I promise!

  16. well i think saying you only kiss when you're in love is a little bit umm...too long of a wait.

    either that or your the type of person who confuses like with love and loves everyone.
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